Chapter 2

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"Fuck do you mean by that?" Kye said. Kat chuckled darkly and shook her head. She put her gun back in the holster. "I'll kill you, kye. If you don't join, you die," she said calmly. Kye stared at Kat for a moment, wondering if there was an escape.
There wasn't.

"Okay," Kye said. Kat didn't say anything more. She simply nodded and made her way to the door, but stopped briefly to speak. "In three days, come to the Grand Canyon. There's a circular ending to the river. I'll wait for you by the entrance to the base," she said calmly before turning and leaving.


Kat went back to her home. She thought about who she should pursue next. Each file she had was unique to the person, meaning she had to choose carefully. Her eyes scanned over each file until she landed on the perfect choice.

Lottie Valentino.

Lottie was as versatile as she was beautiful. She always greeted people with a cold exterior until she felt comfortable enough to be kind to them. Kat smirked as she decided her next choice. She began researching the woman, trying to find her next whereabouts. She found a time stamp of a subway train that Lottie had planned to board the following day.

Kat stood up from her couch and made her way to the bedroom to gather her things for a shower. She grabbed a pair of shorts and a tank top. She makes her way to the shower and cleans herself thoroughly. Once she was done, she went back into her bedroom and settled down on her bed.

Kat picked up her phone and went through her contacts, landing on Captain Price, of Task Force 141. She clicks on the contact and presses the call button. It rings for a moment, but he picks up eventually. "Whitlock," he greets. "Two," Kat replied. Price hummed in response. "I'll be in touch,' Kat says. She hangs up before Price can respond
There she was, walking into the subway. Kat followed Lottie closely, making sure she was not spotted. Kat had a mask covering her face, ensuring she was not caught outside. They both got on the subway after buying a ticket. Lottie sat down next to an older-looking man, thinking nothing of his presence. Kat was across from them, watching her and waiting.

About twenty minutes into the ride, the old man began trying to touch Lottie, making comments about her body and how beautiful she was. She eventually got fed up and grabbed the man's wrist as soon as he tried to touch her again. She twisted his wrist until an audible popping sound could be heard.

His wrist was dislocated.

This man had no idea what kind of woman he was trying to get at. Kat never stepped in. She was completely confident in Lottie's abilities. She watched as the woman punched the man in the face and stomach. Lottie threw him to the ground and stomped on his chest repeatedly. People were freaking out. Some were recording, and some were screaming in fear, but Kat stayed quiet and watched. He was nearly dead.

Kat finally stepped in, walking up to Lottie and placing a hand on her shoulder. "That's enough. He's nearly dead," Kat said. Lottie looked at Kat with a cold expression. Before anyone could even react to Kat's kind gesture, she pulled out her Glock-17 and shot the man in the face, killing him.

Kat turned to Lottie and gestured for her to follow her to an empty section of the subway train. Both women left the car full of people and went to a vacated section to sit. Kat turned to the girl immediately and spoke. "My name is Kat, but most know me by the name "Kaos". I have been looking for you. I need you to join my team. I can't tell you what we will do, but just know we will hurt so many people," she said.

Lottie nodded. It seemed that she was ready to accept immediately. "I'll do it," she said. Kat was shocked as she expected a bit of resistance. "Just like that?" Kat asked. Lottie nodded again. "Yeah, I have nothing else to do, so why not?" Kat nodded, accepting her answer.

"Okay then. In three days, come to the Grand Canyon. There's a circular ending to the river. I'll wait for you there," she said. Lottie gave a quiet "okay" as the train came to a stop. Kat got off the train, leaving Lottie to herself.


Once Kat gets off the subway, she takes off her mask and throws it on the ground. She immediately spots her next recruit and smirks.

Milo Santiago.

She knew exactly where he was going to be. His movements were too predictable.

Kat walked closer to Milo, making sure he took notice of her. She made herself look vulnerable and innocent. Everything fell into place as she planned because Milo took the bait.

Milo walked up to Kat, not knowing who she was. "Hey, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful you were," he said. Kat smiles and giggles a bit. "Thank you, you're quite handsome yourself," she responds. Just then, a bag gets placed over Kat's head from behind.

She was kicking and screaming until a sharp pain hit the side of her neck. She began seeing dark spots, and her hearing was muffled until everything went dark.

They got her.

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