Chapter 12

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This chapter was written by @Kxtzyreads


Back at the base, everyone seemed to be waiting rather impatiently. Milo continued his advances towards Carabella only to be shut down. "Come on, you know you want me," he pressed. Bella rolled her eyes and looked up from her computer. "I will take a scalpel to your throat if you don't walk away," she said in a slightly aggressive tone. "Whatever. I'll be back in a few hours for my health evaluation anyway," Milo said before walking out of Carabella's office.

Milo walked into the commons area of the base to find Alexis, Ghost, and Evelina sitting in silence. "You guys look bored," he said before walking over to Evelina and sitting beside her. "We were waiting for you and Carabella. Kat just said she was on the way down," Ghost said. Eve looked up from her phone with an eyebrow raised. "Go get her," she said. Alexis rolled her eyes and stood up. "I will. You know bird brain can't do anything right," she teased before making her way down the hall.


About four minutes later, Carabella and Alexis made their way back to the commons area and took a seat in the middle of the large couch side by side. Just as Carabella opens her mouth to ask what she was there for, the elevator door dings from behind them, making everyone turn their head to find an angry Kat, followed by the others who joined her on the mission. Carabella stood up and walked over to Kat. She tilted Kat's chin upward so that she was looking at her. "Babe, what happened?" Carabella asked.

Kat shook her head and pulled away from Carabella. She stormed off and went into her office. "We lost Kye..." Lottie said in a softer tone. Ghost looked up at Lottie with eyes filled with a hint of anger. "What the hell do you mean you "lost" her?" he questioned. Almost as if on cue, Valeria walked up behind Ghost and slapped him in the back of the head. "Watch how you talk to her, pendejo," she said with a harsh tone. "Whatever, just tell me what happened," Ghost said. Lottie took a breath before responding.

"We split into teams of two, but then Kye and I got stuck with a larger halfway, so we split up. I tried to radio her, but... she didn't respond. I searched for her, but all I found were a few scattered items from her belt and some pieces of her clothes," Lottie explained. The guilt was eating her up inside, but she tried to suppress it. Ghost looked at her for a moment longer before turning and walking away without a word. Valeria walked over to Lottie and wrapped her in a warm and comforting embrace. "No dejes que la culpa te llegue, mi amor," she whispered loud enough for Lottie to hear, earning a nod in return.

(Don't let the guilt get to you, my love)


While everyone was talking, Kat walked into her office and slammed the door shut. She poured herself a glass of whiskey and took a seat behind her desk. "Fuck," she whispered to herself. The thought of losing Kye, the one person she recruited who wasn't afraid to put up a fight, was killing her. Of course, Kat would not admit to the others, but she liked Kye.

Kat pulled out her phone and sent a text to Price. "-1" it read. It didn't take long for Price to open the message and read it, but his response was odd. "Maybe," it read. He knew something was up, and Kat was going to figure it out. She switched contacts and began to text Ronnie. "Hey, Moth. I need a favor," she typed out and sent. Only a moment later, Ronnie responded. "Sure, honey, what's up?' he typed. "I need you to find someone. A girl from my squad went missing, and I will lose my shit if I find out she's dead," Kat responded. Ronnie responded quickly by saying "Okay, I got you."

Kat closed her messages and placed her phone on her desk. She leaned back and took a sip of her whiskey. Three minutes went by before her phone began to ring. She went to pick it up but noticed there was no caller ID. She glanced at the clock before answering the phone. She was timing herself. "Hello?" she answered.

"Ehi, sorella. Mi sei mancato," a familiar voice said to her. Kat froze in place for a moment when she recognized who had just called her. "Che vuoi?" she responded. She could hear a slight sniffle before hearing a response. "Come to Italy. We need to have a little family reunion," the voice said. "And why the hell would I do that?" Kat questioned. The voice cleared her throat before speaking again, "Blaise is back. Kehlani too," She said. Kat sighed before mumbling a soft "fine" before hanging up.

(hey sis, I missed you)

(what do you want?)

Another wave of anger washed over Kat. She stood up and walked around her desk. She leaned against the front of it before downing her glass of whiskey and throwing it against the wall, causing it to shatter. Within the same minute, she heard her office door open. She expected to see Keegan walk in since he already showed no regard for her boundaries, but to her surprise, it wasn't.

Kat whipped her knife from her pocket and threw it at the person walking into her office. "What the hell?!" the person exclaimed in shock. "Zync, why are you in my office?" Kat said in an annoyed tone. Zync, who was still clutching his injury after coming back from Amilee's medical office, pulled the knife from the wall with his free hand before walking closer to Kat and responding. "You stormed off. I was just checking on you. Who was that, anyway?" He said, talking about the phone call he heard through the door. Kat let out a deep breath before responding.

"My sister."


A/N: Hey guys! sorry for the wait, but we have been planning something special for our readers! The next coming chapters will introduce a crossover between this book and a book written by a close friend of mine called "His Possession! I will tag her, but please note that you need to be respectful. Also, the three of us work on these together, and we have different writing styles, but no matter the style, we all follow the plans we made for the story. Apologies if you prefer one to the other, but I won't allow disrespect towards any of us.

hope you all enjoy it!


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