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I looked up at the store in awe. It was amazing. The colours, the light. It looked magical, and I couldn't help but smile. Pride filled me with warmth and I puff up my chest.

Willy had been my friend ever since we were kids. It just makes me so happy to see his dreams come true. This is everything he has ever wished for and I know, without a doubt, that his lovely mother would be so proud.

Neither Willy or I had any money growing up. Chocolate was a luxury that our parents could rarely afford buying us. But, me and Willy looked after each other. If I had a piece of chocolate, and he didn't, we would share. Because I could always trust that he would do the same for me. As he did and had done many times before.

I looked up at my boyfriend and tugged his arm excitedly. Antonio is tall, blonde and his greens eyes really stands out in his brown suit.

"Isn't it amazing?" My smile could clearly be heard in my words. My boyfriend looked at it for a second before shrugging.

"It's a store." He said, with little emotion. "I don't get why you get so worked up over it."

I sighed and shooked my head.

"Because it's Willys store! This means a lot to him so therefore it means a lot to me too." I said, not letting my boyfriends noncaring tone get to me.

"Don't worry, Peanut. You'll see me again, but next time I'll be the one to bring you chocolate." Was the last words I heard from him before he left. Peanut is such an old nickname for me. But it has stuck wirh us.

Willy left to become a magician and an inventor. I left to study as well, but something else so our paths got separated. It was also at school that I met my boyfriend, Antonio.

It's been so many months since I last saw Willy. I'm feeling impatient. I want to hear everything, like how could he afford this place?

I pushed open the door, pulling my boyfriend alongside me. After entering, I looked around, once again in awe. I was hit by an smell of cacao and butter. As I stepped closer, I could smell the sent of vanilla from one of the fully stocked shelfs. It felt like stepping into a new world.

We weren't the only people here. A elderly man and his wife was to our left, a young girl to our right. She had a pink, striped dress and it looked like she was working here. I walked forward, taking it all in while also looking for my childhood best friend.

Until suddenly I felt arms around my waist, that lifted me up into the air. I let out a yell because of the surprise, and was, after a spin in the air, then put down on the ground again.

"Peanut." Willy looked down on me, smiling wide. His arms was still around my waist as I pulled him into a warm hug. He was a bit taller than last time I saw him. But also a lot cleaner and better smelling. Willy, after a moment of consideration, nuzzled his head into my neck, and took a deep breath.

"I've missed you so much!" I said, and backed away from him. Willy smiled at me, but before he could say anything, Antonio jumped into the conversation.

"I'm Y/n's boyfriend." Antonio said shortly. He reached out a hand towards Wonka. Willy stared at it like it was a bug.

"Is that so?" He answered, glancing over at me. Looking for confirmation. I smiled and took Antonios hand in mine.

"I've been wanting to introduce you guys, but it's never been the right time. But I had to come for the opening of your new store!" I explained as I looked around. Antonio let his hand fall down, Willy hadn't even attempted to shake it.

Willy has always been a bit special, I hope Antonio doesn't take it personally.

I looked back at Willy, and was surprised to see him staring daggers at Antonio. Antonio didn't even notice, because he had dropped my hand to go and look at something else.

Willy followed Antonio with his hazel coloured eyes until Antonio was out of hearing range. Then Willy took a step closer to me and looked at me with a questioning look.

"Y/n, since when did you go and get yourself a boyfriend?" He asked, genuinly wondering. I furrowed my brows.

"What do you mean?"

"It's just-" Willy stopped speaking, as he looked up into the ceiling, actually thinking before speaking.

This is weird. Willy never has to think before he speaks. He always says what he thinks.

"Just what?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. Willy took off his hat and ran a hand through his brown, curly hair.

"I don't think it's a good fit." He said, sounding very sure of himself.

I raised a eyebrow.

"How could you possible know that? You've met him once."

"He seems boring. Like he lacks imagination. I bet he doesn't like chocolate either." Willy said, straightening his back and nodding to himself. Like not liking chocolate was a major red flag.

"He prefer other sweets. But that doesn't matter! I love him." I confessed, while starting to feel a little annoyed by Willy reaction.

Willy has always looked out for me, ever since we were kids. It's probably something like that again, he's just afraid that I'll get my heart broken.

I looked away and looked after Antonio with my gaze. Then I saw him, leaning against a shelf, talking to a pretty dark haired woman.

Looking back at Willy, I realised that he looked a bit stunned by my words. Then it was like he decided to bite his tongue, because the next time he spoke it was with a different tone and he didn't look at me.

"Well, of course. I'm sorry Y/n, he seems delightful and I'm happy for you." He said, but for the first time in my life I was wondering if he really meant it. And why didn't he call me Peanut? Willy glanced up at me and gave a cautionary smile. "All that matters to me is that you're happy."

I smiled, feeling myself relax.

"Thank you. Now, tell me everything, how couls you afford this place? I'm so proud of you!"

I continued talking and Willy smiled and answered any question I had. Missing him hurt as much as missing a piece of my soul, so getting time to talk again was worth gold.

Willy Wonka - Oneshots (2023)Where stories live. Discover now