Gum and vanilla

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The problem was that Willy can't sell chocolate without a store. But he can't buy a store if he doesn't get to sell chocolate.

The police has always been close. Therefore, whenever Willy would sell anything, it needed to be quick.

I was standing in the entrance of a nearby alley, on watch. We were in a park and a few metres away from me were Willy. Seeing him sell chocolate was like watching a performance. He sang and really had a way to pull people in. The charisma was undeniable. I saw many people hand over a few coins in order to buy his chocolate.

"Thank you, thank you! Listen up, remember that Willy Wonkas chocolate is the one where the recipes always contain just a little bit of magic." Willy preached for the people, while having his signature smile.

I looked away and kept my eyes peeled on the main road. The police has probably heard of us by now. I'm surprised that they haven't shown-.

The sirens from the police car could not be mistaken. Three black cars pulled up and was heading straight for Willy.

I blew the whistle, alerting Willy of the danger. Willy immediately got to moving, he concealed the little table, making it look empty as he threw all the remaining chocolate into his suitcase.

The police cars were almost here. Willy ran towards me, holding his hat. I had already opened the manhole, only waiting for Willy to reach the alley.

Then, a police car swerved infront of Willy, cutting of his path. The other cars hadn't caught up yet. In panic, I saw as the police was starting to open the drivers door. I ran and tackled the door, forcing the police to stay inside the car. Willy jumped over the car and ran past me.

"Follow me, Y/n!" He yelled as he ran into the alley. I was still pushing the cardoor. The policeman tried to open it, but I held against with all my bodyweight.

How am I supposed to get out of here?

I took a deep breath and let go of the door. I immediately started running into the alley, but I wasn't quick enough. The policeman, a young man with a beard, shoved me to the ground. I fell and felt a sharp, shooting pain in my knee. I turned around and crawled back to the wall. My heart was pounding like crazy.

"Where is he?" The policeman, out of breath, asked.

"He could be a lot of people, sir." I answered, trying to waste time while also trying to ignore the pain in my leg. I must have hit it when he had tackled me to the ground. I looked around franatically, looking for an escape. I can't reveal how we use the underground to evade the police.

Noodles need me. I can't protect her if I'm in jail.

I swallowed and looked up at the police. When, suddenly, a tiny round piece of pink chocolate rolled over the ground and stopped right infront of the policeman. He took a step back. And the praline exploded. Like a smoke grenade, the praline exploded into a cloud of pink and glitter. It smelled like gum.

A arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me up. It was hard to see in the pink cloud, but I recognised Willys arm around my waist. He pulled me into him and we jumped together down the manhole. Willy let go of my waist while he closed the manhole slowly, to not make a sound, with his cane.

I leaned against the inner wall. The smell down here was far from good, but it's a small price to pay. I looked down on my knee and winced. My pants had been torn and the scrape wound covered a big are of my knee. It was bleeding, but thankfully not much.

"Are you okay?" Willy came up to me, his face filled with worry. I smiled at him.

"I'm fine, I just scraped my knee that's all." I reassured him, as I tried to put some weight on the leg. It hurt like a-... I bite my tongue as to not say anything too graphic.

Willy bent down infront of me and took a close look on my knee.

"We need to get you home so we can clean that wound of yours." He said and stood up.

"Yes, let's go." I took a step. Then another. And another. The pain was breathtaking but I refused to complain about it. I don't want to worry Willy and I'm fine, either way.

I felt Willys eyes on me. Then suddenly, I felt a arm on my back and another one that wrapped behind my knees. In a swift movement, he lifted me up from the ground. Willy was suddenly carrying me. He held me close into his body as he strightened up his legs.

"Place your arm on my shoulders, Y/n." He instructed. Against my pride, I did as he said. This is so embarrasing.

When Willy dropped down into the launderette, I had assumed he would be just like any other. A man, dumb enough to believe Mrs. Scrubbits words. But, I realised that he was a bit more than that. He's far from dumb, but he's naive. That's the right word for it. He always tries to see the best in people.

Maybe that's why Noodles like him.

"You don't need to carry me." I said, while trying to protect the last bit of pride I had. I looked up at Willy and was struck by hos well he looked in this angle. With his high cheekbones and brown curly hair, I doubt he had any trouble with the ladies. Or, with the men if that was what he was into. Why am I thinking about what he's into?

"Nonsense. You got hurt because of me, it's the least I could do." He said, dismissing my words like that. "Besides I promised Noodles... That I would protect you. And I intend to keep that promise." He admitted.

"What was the pink chocolate you used before?" I asked, changing the subject. His hazel coloured eyes was fixated on the road infront of us, carefully watching his steps before he took them. But as I asked him about his chocolate, he smiled.

"I've been working on that one for a long time. I want it to have an explosive taste, but... It's a bit too explosive, at the moment. One lick on the chocolate, is all it takes for it to explode into a cloud. I still need to work on the recipe, but I thought it could make a good distraction." He explained.

"Thank you." I said and leaned my head against his shoulder. It felt unusual to be carried like this, but I would be lying if I said that I didn't like it. I haven't realised it before, but he smells good. I don't know how to explain, but he smelled like he had just taken a shower using vanilla soap.

Willy laughed and I could feel the vibrations of him as he did. That pulled me back into reality and I could feel how my cheeks heated up. Why was I smelling him? That's so weird and I will never do that again.

"No, I should be the one thanking you. If it weren't for you and all the others..." He stopped walking and looked down on me. His eyes filled with gratitude. "You are the reason that I'm able to sell chocolate. Thank you, Y/n."

His words warmed me in a unexpected way. I didn't even know what to answer, and simply mumbled something in return.

You sure are something else, Willy Wonka.

Willy Wonka - Oneshots (2023)Where stories live. Discover now