A christmas gift pt. 2

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Tired, annoyed and in desperate need of that book, I turned around to Wonka again. Looking into his eyes, those hazelcoloured ones, I said:

"Kiss me."

He blinked. Once, then twice, before he realised what I said. Willy, who's usually so self confident and the opposite of shy, immediately turned red like a christmas tree ball.

"Oh?" He slowly said, before straightening up. Then the nervous rambling began. "I wouldn't mind, of course. At all. But, uhm, do you actually want to kiss me? It's not only because of the mistletoe? I don't want you to do anything you're not comfortable with- Not that I think kissing me would be uncomfortable!" He said quickly.

I couldn't help but laugh at the nervous trainwreck he had become. I've never seen him like this, it's amazing.

"I've heard that it's actually quite a comfortable exper- I am sorry, I shouldn't, uhm..."

I stepped away from the trainwreck and walked towards the bookstore clerk, leaving Willy Wonka alone underneath the mistletoe.

"I want to buy 'Midnight snow', written by Marléne Carine." I said, locking eyes with the bookstore clerk.

He rolled his eyes. "You seem like fun."

"I'm the definition of fun." I said with a serious tone. "Do you have the book or not?"

I heard Willy step up beside me. I threw a glance at him over my shoulders and he gave me a smile back. Back to his normal, borderline cocky, self.

The bookstore clerk scratched his beard, thinking. Then he lit up, and stepped away from the desk. He walked through the store. Me and Willy followed.

This is a beautiful store. The bookshelfs were all filled with books. Small books, big books, books with colourful covers and books with no covers. It smelled old paper in here and I immediately felt welcomed. It reminded me of the library where mother works. Where I'll soon start too.

The clerk abruptly stopped, almost making me bump into him. He bent down and pulled out an old copy of 'Midnight snow', and showed it to me. Finally!

The book looked like it had been previously loved by someone else. The cover was beautiful, depicting a red house covered with white snow and a girl infront of it.

"Thank you! How much is it?" I said, reaching into my bag for my wallet.

The prize that came out of the clerks mouth stunned me. I looked up at Willy and saw that he too had lifted up an eyebrow at the prize.

"Why is it so expensive?" I asked, demanding to know. The clerks shrugged.

"It's a old classic about the holiday spririt. The author only allowed a hundred of these to be printed and made. And now, years later, there are few copies left. This is in excellent condition and therefore, the prize fits." He justified and I immediately felt my defence crumble.

I don't have that kind of money. A thought went to Noodle, and I lowered my head. As I was about to say something else, Willy stepped forward.

"You, my fine sir, do you have a loved one at home?" Willy said, smiling wide. I recognise that tone. It's the tone he has when he's trying to sell something.

The clerk nodded, not sure of where this was going.

"Tell me about them, is it a wife? A husband? Or someone else that you hold dear?" Willy asked.

"I have my husband at home, we're going to celebrate christmas after I've closed the shop." He said, and then narrowed his eyes. "Why do you ask?"

Willy did a little spin around the clerk, and presented a box of chocolate. I have no idea where he was storing that chocolate box, because he was not holding that a minute ago. I recognise that box. It wasn't just any other kind of chocolate, but one that sparkled.

It's the latest exclusive chocolate that Willy Wonka has ever created. He told me about it a few days ago, that it was gold covered chocolate with a taste of holiday cheer. It's supposed to make you feel like you did when you were a kid on christmas eve. It's supposed to, atleast. It's so exclusive that I've never tasted it.

The clerks eyes went wide open as he looked at the sparkly box of chocolate.

"This chocolate, contains the very meaning of christmas." Willy wrapped an arm around the clerks shoulder as he continued his sale pitch: "I'm gonna give you an offer that I wouldn't give just anyone. I will give you and your husband two, yes you heard me, two whole boxes of Wonkas Christmas Miracle for the low, low price of that book that my friend wants."

The clerk didn't need to think long about that offer. The door bell jingled as we walked out. I held the books in my hand, smiling so much that my cheeks were almost starting to hurt.

"Thank you! Thank you, thank you so much Willy!" I said, while doing a little spin in the snow.

Noodles is going to be so happy. I can't wait to see the look on her face as she opens this present! I stopped spinning and looked at Wonka.

I don't know why I did it. Maybe it was a way to thank him, maybe the holiday spirit has finally gotten to my head.

The reason why, I couldn't explain, but I still walked up to him. He looked at me, not moving, was he holding his breath? Leaning in, I placed my free hand on his chest as I reached up and placed a gentle kiss on his lips.

I backed away, feeling a bit shy. Willy smiled at me, as he put on his hat. I like it when he smiles. He get's those dimples, when he smiles, that's actually kind of cute.

A single snowflake fell down on his cheek and melted. A few snowflakes had found their way to his brown, curly hair too.

"What was that?" He asked, tilting his head.

"Uhm," I flustered. "Merry christmas?"

Willy clapped his hands together.

"Y/n, you sure are unpredictable." He laughed, as he took a step closer. I freezed, holding my breath. Willy looked into my eyes, before they traveled down to my lips. "I... I like your face." He said, stumbling on his words.

He shook his head. "I mean that... I like being around you. I want to see you happy. And I want to be the one who makes you happy."

He took my hand and placed a gentle kiss on my fingers, tickling my skin. How can he be so strange but yet so perfect?

I've never seen him in this light, seen him like this before. Willy has always been a friend, one I can gently bully who's many times too naive to understand. He's the reason Noodle found her way home. He's the reason I can give Noodles the christmas she deserves. And he is also the reason that I'm smiling like a fool right now.

"I like your face too." I spoke softly. Willy chuckled, before pulling me closer and kissing me again. The book was squezed inbetween us. We didn't need a mistletoe, we only needed each other. The kiss was sweet, caring and tender.

I was the first one to pull away, having to catch my breath. Willy pressed his forehead against mine.

"Merry christmas, Y/n."

Willy Wonka - Oneshots (2023)Where stories live. Discover now