A christmas gift

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Credit to @ella_smella123moo for the idea of a christmas themed oneshot and the request! This will be part one of two. I hope you like it! Thank you and merry christmas!


The last week had been nothing but cold, snowy weather. Most people had decided to stay inside, infront of the heat of a foreplace, sipping some warm cocoa. I, on the other hand, was on a mission.

Wearing my best winter boots, I fought my way through the blizard. The snow that hit my face felt cold, vicious and unforgiving of those of us that were trying to buy a last minute christmas present. The snow was also blinding me, which was not helpful at all.

I pulled my winter coat tighter around my body, as I pushed my way through.

"Where we heading?" A cheerful voice popped up beside me. I turned my face towards the source and saw a red, mid-length wintercoat. Willy leaned down into my field of vision. "Chilly day, isn't it?"

"I'm freezing to death. How are you not bothered by this snow storm?" I asked, annoyed over being the only one suffering. I continued to walk, and Willy followed beside me.

It's been a few months since Noodles came back home to me and mother. My mother has told me about how I used to have a younger sister, but that she died as a baby. Turns out, that was all just a lie. It's been a lot to take in.

But I really want to get to know my younger sister better. We've lost so much time already, I won't let another minute go to waste. This christmas is the first one she will be spending with us, with her family. It needs to be perfect.

Willy took a deep breath and took a few prancing steps ahead, completely at peace with the snow. "How could I be bothered by some snow when it's christmas!" I rolled my eyes. I could almost hear the jinglebells as he spoke.

I know that Noodles is home, thanks to Willy Wonka. I'll always owe him for that. But I can't help but find the man to be... Somewhat eccentric.

"What are you looking for?" He asked, still prancing around like the cheerful character he was.

"It's not chocolate, so I don't think you can be of much help." I answered.

Willy placed a gloved hand over his chest, pretending to be offended. "Darling, I'm Willy Wonka. The man of many talents, I may be able to assist you if you share what you're looking for."

Once again, I rolled my eyes. He's not the most humble man, atleast. Well, I think you need that kind of self confidence in order to run your own business.

"I'm looking for a book. Noodles mentioned a book that she has always wanted to read. It's a rare one, but I really want to find it and give it to her for christmas. I heard that the bookstore down the road on Vitry-sur-seine might have it." I explained as I continued walking towards the bookstore.

"That sounds lovely, Y/n. I believe that Noodles will love it." Willy said, smiling widely towards me.

"Sure she will, if I can find-" I was abruptly cut off by my own scream. Not looking where I was going, I slipped on some ice and fell right into a pile of snow. Enraged, I waved my arms and fought to come up on legs again.

As I looked up, I saw something that only fueled my rage: Willy biting his bottom lip in an attempt to stop laughing.

"I'm sorry-" He began, while converting to biting his knuckles in an attempt to silence the laughter. He stepped over and reached out a gloved hand towards me, offering me some help up.

"Really funny." I muttered, took his hand and let him pull me up. I quickly let go of his hand and brushed the snow off from my clothes.

"Are you okay?" He asked, still smiling like a dork.

"My pride is hurting." I said, as I continued walking with Willy right beside me.

"I'll pretend like I didn't see it." Willy promised and winked towards me.

"Thank you. Now, I'll just need to find this book for Noodles and I can go inside again." I said as I finally saw the bookstore, just a few metres infront of me.

It was a old, classic store. Simple colours, but the beauty of the antique building could not be mistaken. A red candle was burning in the window, while other christmas decorations was hanging around the entrance. Finally.

Willy walked ahead and held open the door for me, almost like a gentleman. I doubt Willy even knew what the word meant.

I walked in to the warm room, not really considering the green misteltoe above the door. Willy followed shortly, removing his hat as he stepped in, with snow still on his shoulders.

"Young people!" The bookstore clerk spoke up. "You are standing underneath the mistletoe!" He said, smiling mischievously.

Oh, he can't be serious. But the smile he had told me he was very serious about that dumb holiday tradition of kissing underneath the mistletoe.

I looked up, confirmed that it indeed was a mistletoe, and then lowered my gaze to Willy Wonka. He had suddenly lost all of the self confidence he had just shown. Now he didn't really dare to meet my gaze, as he scrathed his neck.

"I just want to buy a book." I answered to the bookstore clerk. He shook his head.

"Uh, no. Not honoring the mistletoe is like asking for bad luck." The clerk said. Oh, he can't be serious.

Tired, annoyed and in desperate need of that book, I turned around to Wonka again. Looking into his eyes, those hazelcoloured ones, I said:

"Kiss me."

Willy Wonka - Oneshots (2023)Where stories live. Discover now