Death by chocolate pt. 2

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I thought dying would hurt. But after the panic had disappeared, it actually felt... Peaceful. Like resting after a long day.

But... I don't want to die. So why am I not breathing?

Cold. I feel so cold. Why do I feel so cold? Can someone close the door? It's so cold in here.

I can't leave now. I have people that depend on me, that need me. I have...

Willy. Willy. Is Willy...?

What did he try to tell me?

Is Willy okay?

I don't want to die not knowing. I don't want to die. I don't want to-

The breath of air that filled my lungs felt like a kick to the face. My lungs were burning and the air felt like water to the fire.

I opened my eyes and saw an angel. Wait- No, scratch that. Angels aren't covered in chocolate. Or are they?

Willy was crying. I've never seen him cry before. I've also never been hugged like this before. The way he wrapped his arms around me in this bear hug, it felt like he was planning on never letting go.

"You weren't breathing. I- I didn't know-" Willy said into my shoulder, still holding me tight.

I answered the hug and could finally breathe easily, knowing that Willy was okay. I backed away, cupping his face with both my hands.

"I feel like I have deserved that employee discount now." I said jokingly, flashing a smile towards Willy. This made him cry more, but tears of joy.

I couldn't help but laugh as I leaned in to him and kissed him. Why not? Life is too short. You never know when you might drown in chocolate.

Kissing him made me realise that the only chocolate I want to drown in is his. This kiss could be felt throughout my entire body. He is the very definition of magic, because his lips had me enchanted.

But we weren't done here. Helping me up from the floor, we walked out of the underground vault and walked outside to see so many people. Women, men and children all wondering what was happening. Our friends were there as well.

The truth would finally be told. And tell we did. The police knew that their chef weren't trustworthy. And everyone here also heard the truth about Mr. Slugworth, Mr. Fickelgruber and Mr. Prodnose.

I couldn't have been happier when I saw them start to hover, completely weightless. They reminded me of ballons. Far up in the air, clinging to the frozen fountain. Available for everyone to see. Of course they ate the chocolate meant for the little orange man. They are greedy afterall.

But it's okay! Willy shouted that the effect of the Hoverchocs would eventually subside. Eventually. Maybe. Perhaps.

The joy was strong until Mr. Slugworth reminded us they they still have all the chocolate. He was hysterical, yelling that they'll just buy their way out this mess. His words almost had me feeling like drowing again.

They can't do that? They can't bribe everyone to stay silent about their crimes? Right?

I looked at Willy. He looked down, his facial expression impossible to read.

"I wish I had done that." Willy said, still very much covered in chocolate. Then he smirked, while looking up through his eyebrows.

His eyes stunned me. I couldn't look away. I'd never thought I'd be this attracted to a man covered in chocolate. But ever since meeting Willy Wonka, I've learned to expect the unexpected.

And it sure was unexpected when the fountain suddenly exploded in a stream of chocolate. I couldn't help but laugh as the three men floated away. As I lowered my gaze, I noticed that Willy had been resting his eyes on me. Smiling as he met my gaze.

Noodle was right, that the greedy usually do beat the needy. But today, the needy won. We won.

Willy Wonka - Oneshots (2023)Where stories live. Discover now