Jealousy pt. 2

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I really wanted to write a part 2 of Jealousy that I wrote earlier. I recommend reading that one before this one!

And also, thank you so much for the votes and the comments. I love reading them so thank you for writing them!


Willy had to continue working, of course. His customers demanded his attention, so me and Antonio went and rented a small, quite overpriced room at a hotel nearby.

Antonio sighed, tiredly, and went back into his books and papers.

I walked up to him with a playful smile.

"Do you really have to work now?" I asked and tilted my head. Antonio didn't look up at me. He was too invested in his work. He's researching and has always been a hard worker. I'm proud of him for that, but sometimes he forgets that other things exist too. Sometimes, he forgets that I exist because he is too wrapped up in his work.

"Yes, I do." He answered shortly and scribbled down some notes. I sighed, then nodded and sat down on the bed.

Antonio continued to work. After a short moment of silence, I spoke up: "I'm going to go and visit Willy again after his store had closed. Are you coming with me?" I asked, hopefully.

"No." My boyfriend answered shortly while turning another page. "I've already seen it, and I really need to get this work done."

"I see. Yes, of course." Defeated, I laid back on the bed, thinking back to my meeting with Willy. I'm choosing to ignore how my heart skipped a beat while doing it.

He had seemed... Different. Was something bothering him, perhaps?

I shot back up. Of course! He is stressed! It must be so stressful to run a store. He needs to relax. As kids, we always used to dance to unwind after a long day.

After telling Antonio my idea, I invited him to join us once again. And once again, he declined.

A while later, I was standing in front of the store once again. This time, the lights were off inside, and there were no customers to be seen. I pushed open the door and saw Willy in the back of the store. The shine of a dimly lit light illuminated his frame. His jacket was hanging beside him on his cane. As I walked closer, the sounds of his tiny chocolate factory could be heard. That thing of his was like pure magic, even though Willy had never seen it like that. He once told me that the world is wonderful enough, that the magic is all around us.

I glanced up at him, allowing my gaze to travel down his back.

"Hi." I said, expecting Willy to turn towards me. But he didn't. He must have already known I was here. "What are you doing?"

Thst made him slightly turn his head towards me, as he gave me a mischievous grin.

"I'm making chocolate, of course."

"Of course." Smiling as I shook my head. I walked up beside him, looking at his hands while he was crafting. He made it look like a dance. Which reminded me: "Willy, do you want to go to a dance with me? We always used to dance when we were kids, do you remember?"

Wonka paused in the middle of his work as he glanced back at me. "Won't your boyfriend mind?"

I took a step back.

"Antonio? No, he understands that we're just friends." I said, waving Willys words away without thinking about them. Willy turned around and leaned against the wooden table, looking down on the floor. I stared at him, wishing I could read his mind. Wonkas mind has always been somewhat of a mysterie to me, but never before has that been a bother to me. Until now.

"What's wrong?" I asked, crossing my arms again exactly like I had done earlier in the day. Willy lifted his eyes to meet mine. He looks uncertain, conflicted. Words I usually don't associate with him.

Willy pushed himself off the table and held out his hand for me. I took his hand, and we began to dance, something we had done a million time as kids. But as Willy placed his hand on my hip, it felt different than from when we were children.

We swayed side to side to the imaginary music, waiting for the other to break the awkward silence. Willy broke first.

"Do you love him?" His voice was weak, but also surprisingly sincere.


"You told me earlier that you love him. I... I need to know if that is your truth."

"My truth?" I shook my head. "He's my boyfriend, why do you care?"

"I care about many things. You are very dear to me." He explained without really explaining. I rolled my eyes.

Then it strucked me like lightning. I locked eyes with him.

"You're jealous." It wasn't a question, but it wasn't one that needed answer either. The way his eyes softened was all the confirmation I needed.

I can't breathe.

"Willy, don't do that. You can't... love me." I said.

"Asking me not to, is the same as asking me to stop breathing. I haven't chosen to have these feelings for you, but anytime I try to stop them, my heart hurts. I need you, just like I need air in my lungs."

"Willy, how long has you felt like this for me?" I asked, not sure if I even wanted the answer. I hated the way his words made my heart beat harder. We danced on, as he answered.

"Long. I thought that I would be able to go back to the way we were as kids if I... Went away and didn't see you for a while. But seeing you today, walking into my store... You're as beautiful as the last day I saw you."

I shook my head, even though my heart was yelling something different at me. "Willy, I have a boyfriend."

Annoyed, I twirled away and let go of his hand, but he grabbed my hand, spinning me back until I crashed against his body. Heat poured off him.

We're in our own little world back here. The temperature is hot, the air is even thicker. The tension, steals every last bit of air from my lungs. My heart was pounding, but why? I don't understand what my heart is trying to tell me.

"That's why, I need to know." Willy continued and slowed down on the dancing, still holding me to him. "Do you truly love him? If so, I will never speak of my feelings again. One word from you will make me leave you alone."

"I-" I can't breathe. The thoughts in my head was too loud. I pushed him away and walked out of the store, with my heart beating hard underneath my chest. Willy didn't follow me.

I don't know what to do. My heart is pulling me in another direction, back to the chocolate store. While my brain is trying to hold me down. It's too much. Too much, too late.

Bye, Willy.

Willy Wonka - Oneshots (2023)Where stories live. Discover now