The clown and the chocolate mint

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Credit to Nightmyers2021 for the request and idea. I hope you like it!


Working at Willy Wonkas chocolate store has its benefits. I know the owner. It pays well, and as of yesterday, I actually received a bouquet of chocolate roses from Willy Wonka himself! Such a generous boss. I couldn't have asked for a better job.

It's hard to find a job in this economy. So when I heard that a new chocolate store had opened, I suspected that they would need workers. So I walked in and wished to speak to the owner.

That owner turned out to be Willy Wonka. The first time I met him he was looking at his shelves. He looked to be deep in thought, but his eyes softened when he saw me, standing in his doorway with my resume and a bright smile.

I started working as the cashier the next day.

I glanced up at the clock. It was dark outside, but it was bright enough inside of the store. The store would only be open for a few more minutes. After that, I could begin to close up. I'll need to count the register, clean up in the store window, and also lock the door before I leave.

The last costumer paid for his chocolate before walking out of the store. I took a deep breath and relaxed a bit. It's been a rough day. Many customers, so to say.

I threw a glance over my shoulder, towards the office in the back. I saw a glimpse of my boss as he sat by his desk. He was writing and scribbling on a piece of paper while biting on his tongue. I've noticed that he does that whenever he's really trying to focus. I can't help but wonder what he's creating at this moment?

I don't know a lot about Willy Wonka. He's kind, always seems to be smiling. I've noticed that he lowers the price for his chocolate for children and that he gives out chocolate to the people that work for him. I can't help but wonder if they've received a chocolate flower bouquet as I have?

I left the counter but didn't get far before the chime of the doorbell alerted me to another customer. I looked forward, ready to greet whoever it was with a warm smile- as I froze to ice.

The man that entered the store was tall and muscular. Dark hair, a old jacket and a grin that made me uncomfortable immediately. I think his name was... Dave, or something along those lines? He looked around, before seeing me. The grin grew wider as he walked over. I couldn't move, feeling completely frozen in place.

"Hi baby. Long time no see." He said, leaning against the shelf.

That's because I've been avoiding you. I breathed in. "Don't call me that."

"Hey, is that a way to treat coustomers? Amazing that you have a job." Dave chuckled, founding himself funny.

"Do you want to buy anything?" I asked and took a step back.

The man leaned in closer. I tried to back away but found myself closer to the wall than what I had thought.

"I want to buy you dinner." Dave said. I shook my head, feeling how my pulse began to rise.

How can I tell him to piss off without being rude to a customer?

"No, I'm good! Thank you thou-"

"Come on baby, don't be such a stubborn witch."

He took another step closer and I could feel the panic rising. I have no where to go. Nowhere to escape. I've seen him get violent before and I know, realistically, that I could never beat him in a fistfight.

But then, Willy appeared out of nowhere and took a step infront of me, now standing inbetween me and the man.

"She said no." Willy said firmly, locking eyes with Dave. Dave was taller than Willy, but Willy didn't seem to consider the size difference at all. He stood firmly infront of me, shielding me from the man.

Dave suddenly grabbed Willys collar. Willys eyes widened in surprise. Fear surged through my body as I realise that Dave could really hurt Willy, if he wanted to.

"Get out of my face, you clown." Dave spat out.

Willy wrinkled his nose. "Have you ever tried toothpaste, good sir? I believe a mint chocolate would do you wonders."

Dave looked a shade redder than before.

"What did you just say to me, clown?" He yelled, still holding Willy by his collar. Willy blinked.

"I asked if you have ever tried tooth-"

"I heard what you said, damn clown!"

Willy looked confused and tilted his head slightly.

"Then why did you ask what I said?" I looked down and saw that Willy held his hands and hat behind his back. Holding his hat with one hand, he was digging through it with the other one.

Then he found what he was looking for, and pulled out a... Mint chocolate? He swatted Daves hands away from his collar and straightened out his jacket, looking a bit annoyed by the manhandling. Before handing Dave the mint flavoured chocolate. It looked white with decorated snowflakes.

I shook my head, not everything can be solved with a chocolate. Dave couldn't help but laugh as he took the chocolate.

"You really are a clown. Now get lost, me and her-" He said, pointing to me, making me swallow nervously. "-are not done." Dave said as he ate the white chocolate in one bite. Willy smiled as he did.

"You are done here." Willy responded, smiling knowingly.

Dave was just about to shove Willy out of the way, as I noticed something. Dave was breathing slower and turning pale. He started shivering and did I see... Frost, on his skin?

In only a few seconds, Dave suddenly froze in place. Covered in frost and ice, looking like a statue.

Willy took a step closer and knocked on Daves head. No reaction. Wide eyed, I couldn't do anything else but stare at the man who had just been turned into a living statue.

Willy quickly turned around, scanning me from top to bottom.

"Are you okay, Y/n?" He said, his voice filled with worry. "I'm sorry I didn't notice that something was wrong sooner. I-"

I took his hands in mine, which effectively shut him up.

"Thank you." I glanced over Willys shoulder, at Dave. "Is he gonna be frozen forever?"

"Noooo, of course not! I've never allowed anyone to try this chocolate before, because of the risk to lose life or limb to frostbite, but he should be fine!" Willy reassured me, smiling happily. "Eventually." He continued, still smiling.

We walked away from the corner, leaving Dave in his frozen state. I started to clean up in the store, my hands shaking violently. Willy looked at me, and I could see in his eyes that he was wondering.

"I... Well, I went on one date with him. Dave. But... It wasn't good. He was trying to do things I wasn't comfortable with and... We were at a bar and he started fighting with someone else and..." I let out my breath and sat down. Willy sat down beside me. "I've seen how violent Dave can be. So I appreciate your help, but you should never step in like that for me again."

Willy looked at me with soft eyes.

"I'm sorry but I can't promise that."

I looked up at him.

"Why? I really don't want you to get hurt because of me." I said, lowering my gaze to the floor. That until Willy gently guided my chin up, to look at him.

"Y/n, I care deeply for you. Your safety is important." The way he said those words made my heart beat faster.

"You're a great boss." I said and smiled back at him. Willy lowered his hand and smiled back, leaning away from me.

"Of course, I am your boss, after all. Thank you." He quickly said and scratched his neck.

Maybe one day he'll sees me as something more than a emploey that he has to protect. Maybe, just maybe, one day.

Willy Wonka - Oneshots (2023)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora