You're jealous

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Willy Wonka is quite the charmer. He has a certain way with people. He's also so very kind to everyone.

Almost... too kind.

I sat behind the cash register, chewing on a pen as I observed Willy talking with a pretty girl. A customer, although I doubt she only walked in here for the chocolate.

Okay, calm down. Take a deep breath. I know that I have some issues with insecurity. And I know that Willy loves me. Afterall, he was the one who asked me to be his girlfriend. I'll never forget that day. He showed up, talking twice as fast, nervous as a sinner in church, holding a bouquet made out of chocolate flowers. Roses, to be exakt. He had done them in different flavours, and they were so colourful. Many were done with my favorite flavour too.

I know that he loves me. But... I couldn't help but grind my teeth when she touched his arm.

I put down my pen. That's it. I'm walking over there.

She looked away from Willy, glaring at me as I came closer. I put on my most professional smile. Afterall, I'm still working and I have to be kind to customers. I walked up beside Willy.

"Hi! Can I help you with anything?" I asked the girl.

She turned her gaze towards Willy again. "I'm wondering where the, uh, white chocolate is."

I opened my mouth. "We have many different kind of white cho-"

"I'm sorry, but I was asking Mr. Wonka." She said, interrupting me.

My face fell. With that, I had lost all my confidence. "Oh, I'm sorry-"

"So, white chocolate?" She said, inching closer to Willy who inched back.

"As my dear Y/n was about to say, we have many different kinds you can try out. We store those at the shelf over there." He answered, pointing with his cane towards one of the shelfs. She didn't even look where he pointed.

"Oh, thank you! You're so kind." The girl said and placed her hand on Willys shoulder.

I tried to ignore the jealousy that were raging inside, and forced myself to stay quiet.

Willy looked at her hand for a long time. Then he slowly lifted her hand off his shoulder and gave it back to her.

"Of course." He said, still keeping a polite smile. I stared at her, waiting for her to go to the shelf she had asked about. She didn't go.

The girl twirled her hair and looked at Willy like he was a buffét and she hadn't eaten in a year. "What will you give me if I buy your chocolate?"

Willy blinked. "You will receive chocolate." He said slowly.

She is so flirting with him! I crossed my arms over my chest. Should I say something? Like hey he's taken! Stop flirting with my boyfriend. But I don't want to seem insecure.

"Well," She said with a flirty smile. "I think you should take me out on a date."

Willy stared blankly at her. "No, I will not."

I let out a breath of relief, as Willy turned around and looked at me with soft eyes. "I already have my date right here."

She frowned, looking at me as if she couldn't believe that he would reject her for me. I couldn't help but smile at her triumphantly.

"So, did you want to buy some chocolate?" I asked sweetly. She turned away with a snort and quickly left the store. The bell above the door chimed as she walked out.

"Another satisfied customer." I jokingly said, before turning my gaze towards Willy.

He looked at me with a smirk. "My darling, were you jealous?"

I could already feel my cheeks heating up. "No!" I said slowly to my defence. "Of course not!"

"That's good, because it would be absolutely ridiculous if you were." He walked up to me loosely held onto my hand. "Y/n, I've been to so many places. Met so many people. But no one catches my attention like you. I love you and only you."

"I love you too. I'm sorry, I was jealous."

Willy tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear, that simple touch was enough to make me feel weightless.

"We should continue working." He finally said, glancing back at the line of customers that had formed infront of the cash register since I had abandoned my post.

"We should." I confirmed, squeezing his hand before letting him go.


Hi! Just wanted to say that I have decided to start writing a book about our favorite chocolatier. It's called "Stolen heart", so if you like this and want some more, you can find it in my profile. Thank you and as always, thanks for reading!

Willy Wonka - Oneshots (2023)Where stories live. Discover now