3. 𝓪 𝓼𝓸𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓪𝓹𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓰𝔂

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"how could you tell me that i'm great? when they chewed me up, spit me out, pissed on me."
darry got up off the bed and made his way out of the room.

"actually," he started, almost fully out of the room, "y'all take this to her room."

i shrugged and made small steps heading to exit the room. i made sure to stay as far away from darry as i possibly could.

even though i didn't bother to look at him, i could tell he felt bad and regretted yelling at me. he didn't mean it, he was just worried.

i then stomped up the stairs to my room with dally close behind. mine and johnny's room was originally soda's until he moved into pony's room.

i reach the top of the stairs and twist the knob of the closed bedroom door. i swung the door open, making it hit the wall, letting everyone get the hint im not in a good mood.

i then flop onto my bed and look up at dally, who's standing still in the doorway.

"so, what'ya want?" i say.

he looked like he was trying to think of something to say. probably a new way to ridicule me. probably a new way to make me feel like i'm worth n—

"i dunno know man. i didn't mean all that shit i said."

i was very, very surprised by his response, but my stubborn ass wouldn't let it go this easy.

"so why'd ya say it?"

he sighed heavily before looking down at the ground.

"look, i dont fuckin' know, but i'm here now because i...felt bad."

dallas winston feeling bad?


"who made ya apologize." i asked, but it was more of a statement.

"what'ya mean?"

"y'know what i mean. who sent you to apologize?"

there was a moment of pause. dally then let out a heavy sigh before speaking again.

"johnny did. what's it to ya? at least i'm apologizin'."

"knew it." i scoffed.

"look, just accept the damn apology so johnny will get off my ass."

"oh, so this is all for you? do you not remember what you said to me? how absolutely terrible you made me feel? i almost fuckin' died the other day in the church. could you try not to make me feel like i'm worthless?"

dally then formed a look of realization on his face. i guess he finally took into account that he almost would never get to see me again. i then started to get up and make my way towards the door, which dally was still kinda blocking the way.

"i-i didn't realize-"

i then shoulder checked him so i could leave the room. i started heading down the stairs, but dally stood still. i didn't bother to look back.

i put on a smile after reaching the end of the stairs and entering the living room, in which everyone was sitting and talking. i didn't want anyone to worry about me, so i just decided to join the discussion.

"how ya feelin' about the court meetin' tomorrow johnnycakes?" soda asked after pushing steve off the couch and taking his spot.


the court meeting.

i honestly forgot about johnny killing that soc. i've had so much more going on, it just slipped away from my mind.

"i-i don't really know what to expect. whatever happens, happens." johnny replied. i decided to sit myself down on the floor next to him.

he turned to face me and went to whisper in my ear.

"ya all good?" he asked.

"thanks for tryna help." i replied, avoiding the question.

i got up and walked to the kitchen before johnny could say anything else. i grabbed a piece of chocolate cake out of the fridge and grabbed a beer.

"heya little missy, them beers are mine." two-bit yelled to me from the couch.

"not anymore." i replied before taking a long swig of it.

"ah, whatever."

i walked to the table and ate the cake. i zoned out and could nearly hear small snippets of the conversations. they were all trying to keep their voices down now, but i could still kinda hear them.

"somethin's gotta be wrong."

"i don't know what to do."

"where's dally even at?"

after finishing the cake, i sat back down in the living room next to johnny. everyone went immediately silent as soon as i entered the room.

"so...where's dallas?" i asked, breaking the silence.

"he uh...left." pony replied.

i shrugged and turned my attention to the tv. two-bit had the remote and was watching reruns of mickey mouse movies.

we all sat in silence and watched them for hours.

before we knew it, it was dark outside, and still, no sign of dally.

i then started to get up, trying not to wake the people that were asleep. those people being everyone but darry.

"you goin' to bed?" he whispered.

i nodded in response before heading up the stairs and back to my room. i flopped down on my bed and undid the covers.

i slipped under them and suddenly, i wasn't tired anymore. my mind had racing thoughts.

"where's dally?"

"is he okay?"

"why do i even care?"

the last question stuck with me. why do i care? seriously, why?

i stared up at my ceiling in hopes i'd be able to fall asleep soon, and that these stupid thoughts of that dickhead would leave my mind.

𝓻𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓼 & 𝓬𝓲𝓰𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓼 • 𝓭.𝔀𝓲𝓷𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓷 | ✓ |Where stories live. Discover now