13. 𝓰𝓻𝓾𝓭𝓰𝓮

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"you make me mad, i'm fire again."
the four of us were now all crammed into dally's pickup. we rode in silence except for the faint sound of the static from the radio.

dally drove, i was in the middle, johnny was next to me, and pony was practically being smushed into the car door. he had complained about it several times on the way.

dally would try to place his hand on my thigh, but i'd quickly shoo it off. he could tell there was something up, but i knew he wasn't quite sure what it was yet.

he sped on the open road and slammed on the brakes several times due to vacant cop cars in parking lots.

we finally pulled into the nightly double's parking lot and all unloaded from the truck. we walked on the graveled rock over to a hole in the gate where we always snuck in.

dally made several attempts to get close to me, but i refused to be too close to him. instead, i'd walk closer to johnny and avoid him.

one time, johnny actually noticed this.

"bella, im sorry for telling you dal told me. i didn't realize it'd-"

"no, thank you johnny," i cut him off, "i'm glad you told me. in fact, i'm more than happy you told me."

i then picked up my pace a bit to where i was ahead of johnny now. i did this so he wouldn't be able to get a response out, or at least so i wouldn't hear it.

soon, we reached the fence and one by one maneuvered our ways through the chain link fence. dallas got stuck while trying to come in, in which he laughed, trying to spark a laughter from me. when he saw i was unamused, he cleared his throat and forced his way through. he was clearly embarrassed.

we nonchalantly walked around the slim paths between cars, acting like we didn't just break in. dally continued to make efforts to talk to me.

"hey doll, is somethin' up?" he asked as i made my way over to some seats in the back.

"no dal, let's just enjoy the movie."

he shrugged as we each made our way to the seats and the credits came to an end. dally snagged a couple unopened cokes from a vacant picnic blanket.

"can i have one?" pony asked him.

"nah. one of 'em are gonna be mine, i'll give the other to the lady. just because i'm such a gentleman." he replied, handing me the coke. i genuinely rolled my eyes at him and popped it open. pony huffed and puffed behind us as we began sitting down.

i sat down and motioned for johnny and pony to sit on the sides of me. johnny complied, but pony did not.

"but i wanna sit by johnny." he whined. he was still upset about the stupid coke.

"boo, just sit, please?"

he shook his head. dally saw this as an opportunity to squeeze by him and plop down in the seat on my left.

i looked at pony with a unpleasant expression. i could tell his body tensed up by my look and he immediately sat down by johnny.

all the lights around us shut off as the movie started. i had no idea what we were even watching, let alone cared. it was some paul newman movie ponyboy wanted to see. i was never big on movies honestly.

i stared straight ahead at the projector screen but i could still see dally in my peripheral, staring straight at me. i tried to make it unknown that i could see so he would look away, but he didn't.

he continued to stare at me for what felt like forever. from him telling johnny about us, to the countless tries to get to me, to pony being a whiney child, i could feel my blood begin to broil and finally, i couldn't take it anymore.

"what's your problem?" i finally lashed out at him, now facing directly at him. at first, he seemed taken aback by my boldness, but soon he formed a similar expression to mine.

"what's my problem? bella, what's your problem? you've been acting like you're mad at me all day and-"

"i am mad at you dallas!" i cut him off. i didn't even realize how loud we were being. johnny and pony were staring at us, along with other random people around us.

"i don't understand! you don't even have a reason to be mad. you're just...mad!"

"no, oh no. trust me, i have a reason." i said, incredibly furious at this point. i could feel the heat coming from my bright red cheeks from anger.

"then i'd love to hear it. go ahead, let me hear it." he snarled.

"okay, well, you told johnny about us even though it was your idea to keep it a secret!" i practically screamed. i didnt care what people around were thinking anymore. i had to get this off my chest.

dally formed a look of realization after i came clean and he looked a lot calmer now. he held his coke between his thumb and index finger and he began to slide his hand to my thigh.


"no!" i cut him off again. i then forcefully removed his hand from me, in which the coke went flying. the coke from inside the can flew out and onto the both of us.

i stood up out of shock and i the liquid dripped from my hair and dress. he must've only taken a sip or two of it before it went flying.

johnny stood up but i ran through him and maneuvered through the tightly packed cars, through the hole in the fence, and down the street. i could hear dally call out for me as i ran.

"i'm sorry doll, come back!" his voice echoed in the dark sky.

i ran, no, sprinted down the street. i was starting to feel sticky and i absolutely hated it. i continued running as i came to the realization that i really, really needed new clothes.

𝓻𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓼 & 𝓬𝓲𝓰𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓼 • 𝓭.𝔀𝓲𝓷𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓷 | ✓ |Where stories live. Discover now