4. 𝓪𝓭𝓿𝓲𝓬𝓮

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               "do i love you? no, i hate you."
||ROMANTIC HOMICIDE - LIVE VERSION;||                   ||D4VD||
dally came home the next day and he and i didn't say a word to each other.

it stayed that way for the next couple of weeks.

during that time period, i also went back to the doctor. they told me i wasn't allowed to smoke still. that shit's getting old.

i miss my breakfast i had every morning before everything happened. a cup of coffee and a cigarette, out on the front porch, watching the sun rise with johnny, and pony if he was awake.

but i also missed dally. i missed our mini bickering and the times we actually got along. i miss the church, when he took me, johnny, and pony to dairy queen and we actually had a good time.

i had a feeling that i was feeling something, but i tried to shut it down because that would never happen.

it could never happen.

sure, dally's cute, and rebellious, and cool, and fucking hot as hell...wait. i need to stop.

why am i falling for a punk ass like him? why couldn't it have been some cute gentleman who treats me right?

it's my heart's fault, not mine.

johnny had his court meeting and was proven innocent and the murder was just an act of self defense. i tried to stay happy for him.

now that the fire had been like two weeks and a couple days in the past now, things were going back to normal i guess.

but they really weren't.

dally and i aren't speaking, steve and soda have been arguing a lot, two-bits drinking more and more, and johnny is spending almost every night at the curtis' house, as well as me.

the only thing going right is darry and pony are starting to get along more, which i'm very happy about. i think pony now realizes that everything darry does is out of love, and that he just doesn't want to lose him, like he lost their parents.

now, i've been laying in the living room floor with johnny, just discussing random stuff. all of a sudden, dally walks in with someone following behind him. johnny and i immediately sit up and turn to face the door.

"right this way, doll." he says in a sweet, smooth voice. he has his hand in someone else's, guiding them in the house.

we then see a familiar face. some chick with messy hair, heavy eye make-up, and a strong scent of strawberry shortcake mixed with alcohol.


i feel my blood begin to broil at the sight of her. she's cheated on him more times than i have fingers, so why the hell is he still talking to her? why the hell do i even care?

"be patient sweetheart." she replies in her infamous, annoying, high-pitched voice.

i instinctively stand up and take a few steps toward the duo, who had only just barely made it into the house.

"hey doll, i need to talk to sweetheart for a minute, alright?" i said to her directly before grabbing his wrist and pulling him out of the room with me.

i decided to go to darry's room since it was the closest separate room i could get to, plus he's at work.

after yanking him fully into the room and slamming the door, i turned to face him. i made how i felt very noticeable by the look on my face.

"the hell is your problem?" he asked me, annoyed.

"what're you doin' back with that broad?"

"don't you fuckin' dare talk about her like that or so help me i'll beat the tar outta ya." he said sternly, pointing his finger in my face.

"she cheated on you dal, several times-"

"that's none of your damn business," he interrupted me, "and besides, she's changed."

"i'm tellin' ya, people don't just change."

"you're lucky i'm a gentleman, or i woulda already slapped the shit outta ya." he said before turning away from me and heading toward the door.

"fine," i started as he opened the door, "but when that bitch cheats on ya again, i'll be there to say i told ya so."

he turned back around to face me. his face was cherry red and you could tell he was furious. so was i.

"i swear to fuckin' god bella. it would've just been better had i left your ass in that fire."

i stared at him dead in his cold, heartless eyes.

that's all he is.

cold and heartless.

any sort of feeling i might've had toward him was gone. out the door.

"g-get out." i forced out, trying to keep in my tears.

"gladly." he said, leaving the room and slamming the door behind him.

as soon as the door shut, i melted to the floor and sobbed. i just let it all out.

i fell forward and hit my nose pretty hard on the ground. overtime, blood started pouring from out of my nose, but it was the least of my concerns right now.

what have i seriously done for him to hate me? am i really that bad of a person? what's wrong with me? should i have handled the situation in a different way?

all i wanted to do was help.

that's all.

look where that got me.

i don't know what i'm supposed to do. i tried to protect my feelings, and this is what happened. if i didn't, i'd destroy myself. anything i do will result in me being hurt again.

a mixture of blood and tears soaked my face as i broke down. i had so much bundled inside of me for so long, and now that no one was around, i could finally let it all out.

i continuously sobbed for what felt like forever, and finally i heard a faint knock at the door. whoever it was, opened it, even though i never said come in.

through my blurry vision, i looked up to see a concerned face.


𝓻𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓼 & 𝓬𝓲𝓰𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓼 • 𝓭.𝔀𝓲𝓷𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓷 | ✓ |Where stories live. Discover now