11. 𝓲 𝓽𝓻𝔂

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"and i know i'm not the perfect guy."
after about 5 minutes of getting myself together, i made my way back into the living room.

johnny, pony, and two-bit were on the couch. darry was reading in his recliner. steve and soda were working overtime at the dx for some more money. dally was...well i don't know where dally was.

i practically kicked two-bit out of his seat so i could sit next to johnny. two-bit jokingly stomped away out of "anger" but he honestly just went to get a beer.

i plopped down on the sofa next to johnny, and he immediately turned to look at me and say something.

"what'd you and dal talk about?" he asked, whispering.

i laughed in defeat and rubbed my forehead before saying, "i'm sick of this shit." i didn't even make eye contact with him.

"o-oh..." he said, forming a shocked expression. he turned to face forward. maybe he just didn't want to add onto it.

we both just looked at the rest of the gang members and sat in silence. after a while, johnny spoke up.

"well uh, i invited dally to the movies, but i forgot to tell him you were comin'."

"he probably won't even acknowledge me while we're there," i scoffed, "unless he's got somethin' shitty to say."

"i'm sorry." he said, turning to face me now.

"it's okay johnny, i never told you not to invite him." i reassured him, also looking at him.

he formed a faint smile and turned his attention back to the room. ponyboy then told us that he wanted to go draw and went back to his and soda's room.

moments later, dally came down the hallway from the restroom and into the kitchen. he grabbed a couple of beers and made his way into the living room.

for some reason, he walked over to where johnny and i were and motioned for johnny to scoot down away from me.

johnny looked at me, confused, before complying with dally's motion. johnny actually got up from the couch and followed the previous footsteps of pony to go find him. dally plopped down next to me and rested his arm on the back of the couch behind me, holding a beer.

"y'want it?" he asked, waving it in my face.

i rolled my eyes before snatching it from my grasp and opening it. he looked surprised when i did so.

"what's got you in a mood?"

my eyes widened at his stupid question.

"what's got me in a mood? do you not remember all the shit you said to me back there?" i responded, trying to keep my voice low so no one else would hear, even though johnny was a good 3 feet away.

"look doll," he started, "i'm sorry. what can i do to make it up to you?"

"first off, don't call me doll. second off, i don't know because there ain't no changin' dallas winston."

he let out a heavy sigh before saying, "i'm serious bella. what can i do? i'll stop smokin' so you won't be jealous. i know doc still won't let ya smoke."

was dally really trying to apologize?

no, there's no way...

but then why is he putting forth effort?

i giggled. "okay dal, you'll really quit smokin'?"

"hell yea princess, whatever you want."

i was honestly still shocked by dally's change of mood. just a bit ago he was yelling at me that i could get lost, now he's apologizing and being super sweet. and we're not in private.

"so uh," he began to say, "you tryna go to the movies with me, johnny, and pony?"

"i'm already goin' dal, johnny just forgot to tell you i was comin'."

"oh, well that's great!" he exclaimed, forming a wide grin.

is there something wrong with him?

this is exactly how he talked to me when we were alone.

however, we aren't necessarily "alone."

i took a sip of my beer and then leaned forward to place it on the table. i leaned back onto the couch after and dally scooted a bit closer to me.

"what's your favorite kind of flowers sweet heart?" dal asked me, massaging my left shoulder.

i thought for a moment. no one had really ever asked me that question. hell, i've never even received flowers from anyone before.

"well," i started, "i really love roses. red ones especially. they're so pretty and i love how they symbolize...love."

he nodded, meaning he understood, and ran his fingers through his hair. i couldn't help but blush when he did so. even though he's a dick most of the time, he's still real cute and can even be sweet sometimes.

we sat in silence for a while, but my mind had so many racing thoughts that i couldn't even pick out a singular one. i then remembered the night i came back from the dingo with soda. i remembered the rose petals on the floor where dally had been sitting.

"hey dal?"

"hm? what's up?"

"remember that one night i came home with soda and there were those rose petals on the floor where you were sitting?" i questioned.

he thought for a moment before responding.

"yea, why?"

"well, why were they there?"

he took his arm back from behind me and used both his hands to rub his face.

"it was uh, it was just some stupid 'loves me, loves me not' shit. i ain't soft though, don't think i am."

i blushed even harder now at his response. i'm not gonna lie, i got a bit flustered that he seriously cared about me that much.

"really?" i asked, smiling wider than ever.

he nodded. "yea, i love you, a lot. just sometimes i ain't good at showin' it and i know. i try, i really do try, i promise." he said, sounding more sincere than i had ever heard him before.

my face was bright red now and i didn't even bother hiding it anymore.

"that's real sweet dal. i love you too. i know i ain't the easiest to deal with sometimes too."

he looked down at me and grinned.

"oh, and what do you think you're gonna wear tomorrow to that movie?" he asked, seeming oddly eager.

"shoot, i don't know. i haven't even thought about it. why?"

"well," he started, "could you wear that one dress? you know, the one you wore when you went out with soda?"

"oh that one?" i asked, "did you really like it?"

"heh, yea. you looked gorgeous in it. when i saw you leave the house in it, i think that's when i really confirmed to myself that i was in love with you."

"dal, how come you're being so sweet right now?" i asked. not because i didn't enjoy it, but because the gang was near. they weren't paying attention to us, but they were still in eyesight.

"i don't know, but just make the most of it." he said, looking around the room. after doing so, he lowered his face and softly planted a kiss on my lips. i stared up at him in awe after we broke it.

yup. no matter how much of a dick dally can be, i'm still so fucking in love with him.

𝓻𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓼 & 𝓬𝓲𝓰𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓼 • 𝓭.𝔀𝓲𝓷𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓷 | ✓ |Where stories live. Discover now