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TW: Ed mention

Nick's perspective:

I wake up to Charlie laying on my chest. 'He is so cute' I think to myself. I grab my phone with the hand that isn't being laid on. It's 9:30 am. "Shoot" I whisper. I woke up an hour later than was I planning to, 'that damn alarm'  I've only got 2 hours left to pack all the rest of our stuff up and to drive there to get the keys in time. I roll Charlie off of me and start to stroke his cheek to wake him up.

"Charlie, you need to wake up it's already 9:30, come on!" I say still rubbing his cheek.

"Mmm," he groaned, grabbing my hand to stop the motion. "I don't wanna."

"Come on Charlie."

"No." He says with a small smile. I go to get up but then Charlie just rolls on top of my chest. "Haha, now you have to stay in bed with me!" He says in a tired voice.

"Not so sure about that!" With a grin on my face, I scoop him up in a baby sort of way, standing up at the same time and then started to bring him downstairs. His arms are rapped around my neck with his head on my shoulder. I go to drop him onto the sofa but he pulls me down with him.

"Hi," I say giggling, our faces just a few centimetres away "Want me to make pancakes?" Charlie stays silent and pulls me closer to him, putting his lips on mine.

He pulls away, "Yes please." he replies. I just laugh and get up to make the pancakes. As we eat them my mum comes round the corner looking like she also just got out of bed.

"Excited for the big day Nicky?" She asks, Charlie looks up at me puzzled but then carries on munching on his pancake. He only had 1 small one but at least he is eating, he has anorexia so some days he won't eat at all. It's probably silly but I'm so proud of him whenever he eats, even if it's a small packet of crisps or something like that, at least he's eating.

Charlie's perspective:

Me and Nick just finished having breakfast. I I was starting to head up stairs and then it hit me. "Shoot, we're moving." I start to run around the house, looking for all the things we need to pack.

"Why are you in a rush?" I hear Nick say scaring me at the same time. "Didn't mean to make you jump but, you don't need to rush."

"Why? We need to pack!" I say panicking

"Charlie take some deep breaths, I did most of the packing last night so you don't stress like you are, all we need to pack now is our bed, toothbrushes and all of that kind of stuff. Come on, copy me, breath in.....breath out..." I follow what he says and my breathing steadies.

"Thank you." I say standing up and putting my arms around his waist pulling him into a hug.

1 hour later

Me and Nick our in the mini van with all our belongings in it. My leg starts to shake up and down and my breathing starts to speed up. I think Nick notices this because seconds later he reaches his hand out and places it on my thigh. I love him so much.

"Are you ready?" he asks.

"Ready for what?" I say puzzles.

"The new house of course." He smiles at me as I swing open the car door and jump out. It was nothing like I'd ever seen, it was amazing. It was more than amazing, it was perfect!


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