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Sorry for the time skip but...

(9 months later)

Michael's perspective

We're in an ambulance, tori is squeezing into my hand tightly.
"W-where Rory?" She panicked
"Nick and Charlie's don't worry."
"AH." She winced in pain. My soon to be wife is in labour, I'm about to have a beautiful baby girl in my arms. We arrive at the hospital and the nurses are rushing her into the hospital. I was told follow them in. We get into the room and they place Tori onto the chair.

A bit later she starts to push, squeezing my hand, feeling like she's crushing it but I don't care, she is giving life. I'm so proud of her.

Nick's perspective

It's been a few hours since Rory was dropped off at ours. There wasn't much of an explanation to be honest but it's great spending time with my nephew.
"Nick, can u come here!" I hear Charlie yell from the guess room.
"Coming!" I yell back. I get to the room and Charlie springs up.
"Take care of Rory for a second, Tori I calling me."
"Okay." He walks off into our room, which is just next door. I make sure Rory is okay and I hugs listen to their conversation.

"Tadaaaaa!" Tori says.
"Oh my god, when can we see her!" Charlie squeals
"Now if you want."
"We're on our way, want us to bring Rory or drop him off at Sarah's?"
"Drop him off, don't think I can cope with an energetic 5 year old."
"K, see you in like 20 minutes."

Charlie walks back in the room smiling.
"Get in the car, we're driving to see our niece! Stop by at your mum's though, she doesn't want Rory there."
"Alright, get your shoes on then!"
I walk downstairs and to the car with Rory. I buckle him in with the car seat Tori gave us to borrow. "Where we going?" He asks me
"Nana Sarah."
I smile and get in, Charlie enters about 30 seconds later and we start driving to Sarah's house.

347 words

I am so sorry it's so short , I've just had a bad mental health day today so I will get a part 2 out tomorrow I just have barely any energy today. I hope you guys understand and I love each and every one of you❤️ when you read this if you want please leave a nice comment, it will make me feel a million times better ❤️❤️

Nick and Charlie in the future❤️Where stories live. Discover now