Nick's sick..

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Tw: sick

(2 days later)

Charlie's perspective

I'm currently making breakfast for me and Nick I turn around to ask Nick a question. "Nick, cereal do you want?" He ignores my question and starts run somewhere, I walk up to where he ran. He was just on his knees next to the toilet. He has just been sick. "Oh nick." I sit next to him and rub his back. He wipes his face with his sleeve and just falls into my arms.
"I'm sorry Charlie."
"For what?"
"You was asking me a question and I jsut bolted off." A tear falls down his cheek. I wipe away the tear and kiss him on the forehead.
"Hey don't cry and don't say sorry, that's my job to say sorry to much!" I say. Nick just laughs at the statement and stands up. "Are you sure you okay now?" I ask him. He nods his head and walks back to he kitchen.

I grab a thermometer and check his temperature.
"I think you've got a fever Nicky. 40.02 C (104.036 F)." He starts to cry again. It's quite sweet when Nick is sick. He is just always super cuddly and vulnerable but he cried quite a bit (which is a downside) however he doesn't eat that much when he is. Which make sense as he isn't eating any of his breakfast. I put it in the bin and went upstairs with him.

He lies down on our bed and pulls a blanket over him. I go to leave the room.
"Charlie?" Nick says. I stop by the doorframe.
"Yea?" I ask
"Can...can you..."
"Fine." I smile at him and he smiles back. I lie next to him. He grabs my waist and pulls me over gently.
"I can't believe we have a little bean in there." He says placing a hand on my stomach.
"A little bean? Is that the nickname?"
"Yep." I just smile. A few minutes go by and I look up. Nick is asleep. He has one arm around my back and the other still on my stomach. I close my eyes and eventually fall asleep.

I wake up and see Nick not there. I walk downstairs and see him in the living room.

"Hey baby." I say, with a croaky voice.
"Good evening." He says.
"W-what? long was I asleep. Why didn't you wake me up? What time is it?"
"Jesus calm down. You were asleep for about three hours. You needed it, it's only 15:30 don't worry."
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall sleep. Sorry."
"Don't say sorry."
"I should though! You're the who's sick-"
"And you're the one who's pregnant, I don't think I'm that sick anyway, I think I was just warm and hadn't had enough to drink. Cause I haven't thrown up and my temperature is normal."
"How many times do I have to tell you, you don't need to say sorry!"
"S-" he kisses me, we were to busy bickering over who should had been asleep, that I hadn't even noticed how close he has gotten. He pulls away.
I smile at him and he smiles back.

Nick's perspective:

I grab Charlie's hand and lead him to the sofa. I sit down and he sits next to me.
"Charlie...are we gonna...tell people. Like Tara, Darcy, Elle and Tao? They are literatly our closest friends."
"Yea. I've been waiting for you to ask...haha."
"Haha, well, when?"
"I don't want to like actually see people at the moment. I don't think I'm ready. But we could like call them later? Tara and Darcy first tho."
"Yea. Of course." I say.
"Actually, sorry, could we call Tara and Darcy now?"
"Definitely!" I grab my phone from my pocket and FaceTime them. A few rings go by and Tara answers.

"Hey Nick, what's up?"
"We have some important news, is Darcy there?" I ask.
"As always!" She yells form the side of Tara. Charlie giggles a little and so do I.
"Uhh, I don't know how to say this. Erm.." I look at Charlie and he gives me eyes of encouragement.
"Eeeeeeee!" I hear Tara and Darcy squeal.
"Nick that is amazing! How far?"
"Like, I think the doctor said 3 weeks. We found out yesterday." Charlie says.
"I'm so happy! Right, we've got to go cause my parents are coming over. But we'll call you guys later!" Tara says.
"Alright bye!" Charlie says.

We end the call and look over at each other.

"I love you." I say.
"I love you too." Charlie says back. "I love you more than anything." He says agin. I hug him and he raps his arms around me.

I am the luckiest man in the world to be having kids and getting married to my favourite person in the whole entire world.

(814 words!!!!!! I wonder how they will tell the other's.........

Also I'm trying to get back to how I was before but I can't promise anything. I'm trying my best trying to get back to before. I jsut had such a mental fall down and needed to get back to normal again

Good luck to nick and Charlie!!!!!!!!!!!)

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