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Charlie's perspective:

I wake up realising I dozed off while me and Nick were on the sofa.
I panick as I realise he's not there.
"N-nick? W-where are you?" I feel my breathing become heavier and heavier. I bring myself to my feet and sit down in a corner, my back against the wall.
I begin to hyperventilate. Where's nick when you need him. Tears fill my eyes and I struggle to breathe.
"Charlie?" I hear footsteps rush over to me. "What happened, are you okay?"
"I-I-I woke up, y-you weren't, you weren't-" I feel my head getting lighter as I continue to struggle to breathe.
"Charlie, you need to breathe. In for 5 hold for 3 out for 7."
I try but I fail.
"Come one Charlie. In, 1-2-3-4-5, hold, 1-2-3, out 1-2-3-4-5-6-7. Good job keep doing that." I feel his hands slide into mine, I squeeze them lightly as I feel my breath coming back to me. I breathe normally, but also shakily at the same time.
"I feel weird." I mumble under my breath. I jolt up and sprint to the bathroom. I lock the door and just sit there. What is happening to me. I begin to cry and cry, unsure why though. After a while I unlock the door and wait for nick to come. A few minutes go by and I see nick's spare razor under the cabinets. I stare at it and move it closer to my arm. I can't. Why can't I. I just..

Nick's perspective

I walk down the hall and knock on the bathroom door. No reply. I knock again. No reply.
"Char..you alright love? What's going on?" Panick fills my whole body as I realised the door was locked. The razor. Oh god.
"Char, unlock the door now." I hear a click of metal and I swing open the door. I look down and see Charlie sobbing, with my razor in his hand.
"Oh Char..." I pull him into a hug and pull away quickly. I grab the razor and his wrist. No marks.
"I'm s-so sorry, I-i didn't know w-what I was, why I-i di-" I cut him off and pull him into a hug.
"I'm so proud of Charlie,so, so, so proud."
"Y-your not mad?" He stuttered
"Why would I be. Also if it makes you feel better," I say pulling away. "We won't be going to the park today, Tori wanted it to be just them lot." I smile at him and grab his waist. I pick him up and throw him over my shoulder.
"Put me down nick!" He playfully smacks my back.
"Never!" I yell back playfully. We get back to our room and I dump him on the bed. I lay down next to him so my head is in line with his.
"When do u think our wedding will be?" I ask him. I've always wanted to marry him since we kissed at his house for the first time.
"I don't know."
"When...do you think...you know...we'll have a...thing...like tori?"
"You mean family?"
Yea.." I say covering my face.
"You blush so easily you know." I just laugh and kiss him on the lips, passionately but gently at the same time.
"Soon, I hope." He smiles at me and I smile back.
"Well, we have the rest of our life's together now, there's no getting rid of me." I tease as I lie onto my back. Charlie rolls over and starts snuggling into my chest. He's so amazing, I can't wait to marry the man of my dreams.

(A few hours later)

Charlie's perspective

"Charlie!" I hear tori burst through the door. I turn my head and see her smiling. It's not like a simple,sibling smile. It was an in love sort of smile.
"What's happened?" I ask, trying to sound as enthusiastic as possible.
"Michael may or may not have asked me to move in with him!" She smiles even harder. This must mean a lot to tori because she doesn't usually smile like that. It's more alive than the one she usually has. The one that always looks likes when your grandparents try kissing you on the cheek even though your 15 and hate that sort of stuff. Anyway. I help tori pack up all her stuff before hearing a car honk its horn, I look out the window and see Michael in a dark navy blue car.
"Hurry up tori, we haven't got all day." She just laughs and hugs me goodbye before leaving. I close the door and let out a big sigh.

"That was...fast." Nick says appearing from the kitchen.
"It always is with my family. We try to get out of somewhere as fast as possible unless we really want to be there." I let out another sigh and rest my head on nick's shoulder.
"Is that why you ran of today, earlier, after you woke up?"
"Yea, sorry, I wasn't thinking straight. I just panicked because you weren't there and when I called out your name, there was no reply."
"It's okay char, I know you get stressed out, that's why I don't leave the house without telling you where I am."
"I love you." I say, rapping my arms around his waist.
"I love you too." Nick replies before heading back over to the kitchen. I can't wait to marry Nick. Nick is probably the closest person I am closest to. He's my best friend, and soon to be husband.

|947 words!!!!|

I'm trying to post as much as I can as I haven't been active for about a month, I'm trying to get back to how I was where it was about 1 post every day ish. Hope everyone understands!!! I love each and every one of you guys, I appreciate everyone!

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