Birthday suprise

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TW: ed

Nick's perspective:

It's 2 weeks until Charlie's birthday. I decided that we should go on a holiday just for the two of us. "Charlie? Can u come hear?" I yell downstairs. I hear Charlie running up the stairs and into our room.
"What is it?" I hand him a paper, and he just looks up at me.
"Read it." I say, he looks down and starts to read it. "Out loud?" I ask him, he nods his head and starts reading it again.

"26-30th of April. 2 tickets for Charlie spring and Nick Nelson. Airport in Bristol, to Australia?" He looks up at me and then continues reading. "Hotel room 227, floor 3." He looks up at me and just smiles.
"Happy birthday!" I tell him with a big grin on my face.
"Oh my god nick! Your amazing." He runs into me knocking me down into our bed. Charlie is on top of me, his arms rapped around me. He lifts his head up and kisses me. About a minutes later he's still kissing me. "You taste like tooth paste." I say "Just like when we had our first kiss at your house, when we were younger." Charlie laughs as he pulls away from my face, and lays on my chest.

10 minutes later

I'm getting my shoes on to leave the house to meet up with Tara and Darcy, Charlie doesn't know though because they know something that he doesn't.
"Where are you going?" Charlie asks
"Just going to put some fuel in the car, won't be to long."
"K" Charlie walks off into our bedroom. I leave the house and get into the car. I find the cafe we said we were gonna meet up in and immediately start looking for Tara and Darcy.
"Nick!" I hear Darcy shout. I walk over and we chat for about 10 minutes before Tara asks this.
"So, now you've told him your going to Australia and that it's for his birthday. When will you, how will you, you know propose?"
"I'm not sure to be honest, there is this beautiful beach I want to go to with him and I think that is when I'll do it, it'll be like when we became boyfriends. I think it'll be super cute."
"It will be!" Darcy screams in excitement. 5 minutes later we all say goodbye and head back to our homes.

Charlie's perspective:

I'm starting to get really worried, Nick has been gone for 20 minutes already. What if someone has snatched him, or hurt him, what if he got lost, what if he's having a panic attack and I'm not there for him. What if-

A loud bang cuts me off and Nick enters the living room. "Charlie, you alright? You look a bit pale." He asks.
"I'm fine, I was just starting to worry cause you were gone for 20 minutes."
"I'm sorry Charlie, I didn't mean to worry you, there was just some bad traffic."
"It's fine." I say smiling. Nick comes over and sits on the sofa with me. He puts one arm around my shoulder and the other around my waits, pulling me into his lap. We were cuddling while watching our favourite tv show together, moonlight. I can't wait to go to Australia with him! I've always dreamed of going there. I love nick so much, I pull his head towards mine and kiss him softly, I pull away and he pulls me back into a more passionate kiss. A few moments later he pulls away, I go and lay on his chest and he kisses my forehead as a signal for goodnight.

2 weeks later

Nick's perspective:

My alarms goes off, it's 3:30 in the morning. All of our things are packed already, I just need to wake Charlie up and get him in the car. It's an hours drive to the airport, then we have to go through security and stuff. We're going to Southport in Australia, and we're staying at the Gold Coast hotel, it's close to the beach as well. I roll on my side to see Charlie still asleep. I gently stroke his cheek to wake him up.
"Charlie, you need to get up baby. We're going to Australia today remember?" He moves his hand on top of mine, and groans.
"I don't wanna get up! I'm tired!"
"Come on, all you have to do is get up and get in the car, oh and bring the pillows and blankets. It'll be cold in the car." He sits up and raps his arms around my neck. "Seriously." He nods his head so I pick him up bridal style and carry him to the car. He gets in and waits for me to come back with the suitcases and stuff. "Thank you my prince!" He says as I finish packing everything up.
"Your very welcome." I say sarcastically while entering the car We're about half way through the drive and Charlie is asleep. I put my hand in his and then he leans his head on my shoulder. I kiss his head and continue driving.

2 hours later

We're walking into the plane and Charlie is looking very anxious. We find our seats and buckle up, Charlie is tapping his fingers on his thigh, I look up at him and smiles. It was a fake smile obviously, he gets very anxious when it comes to this stuff. I lightly place my hand on top of his, so I'm holding his hand as well as his thigh. He leans against me while we're taking off, squeezing my hand very hard, with his eyes shut tight. 10 minutes later we're flying smoothly through the sky, I look down to tell Charlie that the take off is over but he's fast asleep. I love him so much, I can't wait to propose to him. I hope he says yes, I don't know what I would do if he says no.

1000 words!!!

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