Branchie's Angels Ep 8: Crazed Revenge Enrage Evilly Kook

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The blue-eyed shadow walks around the Atlas Launch Complex 13, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. They walked towards Lady Puffington's parabolic dish antenna. They smirked as they took out the original Hope Diamond, restored perfectly to its beautiful self. The shadow attached it to a slot fit for it. When it got in, the dish antenna glowed blue. The shadow then hooks up a hose into the fuel tank extractor. The hose fills the antenna with Sammy Smiler's chemicals from a fuel tank.

"Poppy, I'm looking forward to meeting you," said the shadow.

At the Parks Mall in Arlington, TX, Poppy is shopping in casual outfits with Barb, Delta, and Wani.

"Ugh! Irene, Seulgi, Joy, and Yeri are lucky. They got boyfriends, and we got none. And they can spend their Saturdays on dates. At least we got each other," said Wani.

"We should start going back to online dating. Finding the men of our dreams isn't easy," Delta said.

The Chill Cherubs have coffee and donuts somewhere at the Timberlake HQ Lounge. But Branch, Riff, Hickory, and Tresillo grip their hearts as they cough from drinking coffee. They felt confused before they continued to drink their coffee and munch on their donuts.

Back with the four girls, they were walking past a store when a Troll was carrying a stack of boxes. Poppy accidentally runs into them, causing the boxes to fall on top of them.

Quickly, Poppy gathered all the boxes and said, "Oh, my goodness! I'm so sorry."

When she tried to grab it, the Troll's hand touched her. She looked up to see the Troll, who was dark purple-skinned with blue hair, green eyes, and a peach nose. He wore a yellow shirt, baggy brown pants, and matching tennis shoes. He wears a tiger's eye pendant. His name is Russell Lowe.

"No need, love. I wasn't looking where I was going," he answered.

Poppy soon became so charmed by how cute the Troll was that she didn't hear him.

"If you like, I could give you my number, Miss?" said Russell.

"My name is Poppy," she answered, flustered, showing her phone.

"Well, Ms. Poppy. You may call me Russell. I hope we can be friends."

"I don't mind at all."

As they exchange contacts, Russell leaves with his boxes.

"Girls, did you see that? A hot guy gave me his number," Poppy squealed.

"Nice, Poppea. Quite a looker if you ask me" said Barb.

"Want to get back to shopping?" Delta asks.

"We should because Poppy can't keep her eyes off the mystery mister," Wani commented when Poppy was watching Russell leave, so Wani dragged Poppy back to shopping.

At night in NASA, a Mariachi Troll, a Bollywood Troll, and a K-Pop Troll watch everything in the security room. But the blue-eyed shadow poked its head out of the air vent to fire three sleeping darts at the heads of security from behind. Once out cold, the shadow timed the security system power button, allowing the security to go off for 30 minutes. The shadow goes back into the air vent to crawl towards an air vent to a storage that houses rocketships. They clapped their hands for more shadows to come out of hiding.

"Alright, boys. Time to get what we want," a blue-eyed shadow commanded.

Their shadowy minions begin to gather two rocket ships and a satellite. After opening the storage, they get their truck to load the three outer space vehicles.

"Great work, boys. Soon, happiness all over the Earth will be just a myth forever. Mwahahahahahaha!!!," the blue-eyed shadow.

The villain continues laughing as they and their minions ride off with the stolen space vehicles.

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