8. Lingering Glances, Unspoken Words

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Etta Osi Walker
Occupied Seoul
July, 1941

The evening breeze sung softly as we strolled back toward Ji-Tae's sleek towncar, our playful debate over romance's whims trailing off into the darkness. I found my steps buoyant, his subtle attentions kindling long-dormant butterfly flutters I thought worldly cynicism had hardened to stone.

Yet, I never planned to confess such vulnerability aloud. It was true what I told him - the thrill of flirtation's chase pleased me more fully than letting hopeless suitors ensare me with fantasy promises. Watching powerful men fall endlessly while I remained composed felt truer to my spirit than surrendering freedom to their gilded cages.

Maybe it was for the sense of control; any sensible woman knew it wise retaining fierce independence in these unstable eras. But it took profound luck for an iconoclast like myself to capture amorous notice from such a high-flying figure as Park Ji-Tae. Heaven knows most men were too small-minded, preferring demure obedience over daring repartee with a proud songstress.

Still, I had no designs on this calculating businessman beyond mutually beneficial arrangements between two creative forces. The breathless gossip concerning his imperial dynasty held no place in my aspirations. I sought only to ascend the heights of the jazz world through my celebrated voice and refused relegating my talents to simply battling shrewish mother-in-laws and birthing obedient babies to carry on some entitled man's lineage. Realistically I was also too bright to accept I might've been the last person chosen for such... a position. It wasn't insecurity it was reality.

No, I harbored no fear of dying unwed, only of leaving my life's symphony unfinished. For fickle love brought naught but profound disappointment in my experience...

"You seem lost wandering distant shores..." Ji-Tae's rich voice carried a smile as he slid behind the wheel. Glancing up at me lingering by the open door, he posed smoothly: "Might I persuade you to share what dreams or schemes occupy that restless mind of yours so completely?"

As Ji-Tae smiled up at me lingering by the open passenger door, I scoffed lightly, buying time to rein in my thoughts.

"Nothing deeper than air - I was just wondering if this gallant ride idea was merely a ploy to uncover where I reside..." I fibbed breezily.

Ji-Tae chuckled, clearly seeing through my paper-thin ruse. "While I admit your mystery intrigues me ceaselessly..." His eyes gazed over the scene, before returning to me. "I simply insist on ensuring your safe return after our long wanderings. Consider it a wise investment into the wellbeing of my future star performer."

He accentuated this sentiment by leaning across the gear shift to gently grasp my hand and guide me into the car. And though his touch was nothing but proper, I felt wholly enveloped by his provocative promise of protection.

His eyes held sincere concern, yet glinted suggestively under the muted glow. "Unless you might allow me to persuade you that my own stylish abode could prove far more diverting?" One dark brow lifted. "I would be only too delighted offering private hospitality to continue our...animated discussions."

I released an incredulous scoff even as I felt warmth rise from his compelling proposal. Securing myself within the leather and luxury, I casted him a reproving yet what I'd assume to be flirtatious look.

"My my, aren't you the eager one, Mr Park...trying to unveil all my mysteries in one night!" I gently chided.

His responding laugh echoed richly as we glided off into the sultry night.

We arrived at the modest house I shared with my dear friend Yura after a pleasant drive. Ever the gentleman, Ji-Tae stepped out and circled the car to open my door, glimpsing beyond me into the humble patch of garden.

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