21. Within Moonlit Confessions

192 20 33

November 1941,
Occupied Seoul

"You raised a pretentious little snake," Madame Park wanted to spit, glaring at the smug Japanese man lounging across from her. "Just look at him - he thinks he owns the world."

And his pretentious daughter too... "She can't even do it properly, a whore with no discretion is the worst."

Madame Park's gaze slid resentfully to the son's blank stare. "The gaze in his son's eyes...so vacant..." she mused contemptuously.

Madame Park tapped her manicured nails on the table as she sat waiting, thinking irritably, "That may make my husband lose face." She gave a quiet, tense sigh, folding her arms.

"Madame Park, perhaps we ladies should leave the men to their business and retire elsewhere to enjoy the engagement party?" an older female voice suggested coolly.

She jerked from her bitter musings, looking up to meet the judgmental stares of the women seated across from her.

Smoothing her expression, she rose gracefully to her feet. "Yes, of course," she acquiesced, allowing herself to be led from the room.

Madame Park's lips twitched in poorly concealed annoyance as Madame Park glanced back at the elder Japanese man. She bristled internally at being dismissed like a misbehaving child. But for now, she pasted on a polite grin and made small talk through gritted teeth.

As she wandered the extravagant house, Madame Park spotted Dachi Sato speaking with Yong-su. She lifted a curious brow, but before she could approach, another woman waved eagerly to catch her attention.

"Ah, I'm so glad to meet you in person!" the stylishly-dressed woman effused. "I'm Fumiko - a friend of your lovely daughter-in-law." 

Madame Park paused, taken aback. She looked the woman up and down with thinly veiled skepticism. "Do I know you?" she asked bluntly.

Fumiko simply laughed airily, nonplussed by Madame Park's standoffish demeanor. "Well not yet, but I've heard so very much about you!" She leaned in conspiratorially. "Miyoko simply raves about her gracious mother-in-law. We must chat! I'd love picking your brain for parenting advice..."

Madame Park arched one sculpted brow higher, features rigid despite the flattery. Miyoko raving positively about her? Unlikely. Clearly this woman was attempting closeness for some obscure motive. Madame Park crossed her arms, eyeing the woman shrewdly. "Is that so? How exactly do you know my daughter-in-law?"

Fumiko waved one hand casually. "Oh, Miyoko and I go way back. We met years ago through some mutual society friends." Her smile remained brightly plastered in place even as her gaze grew slightly more assessing.

Madame Park remained unmoved by the statement. "I see," she stated coolly. "Well I'll let you go off to find her."

As she made to turn away once more, Fumiko spoke again eagerly. "You know, it was quite a surprise when Miyoko was first promised to one brother, then wound up with the other! Makes one wonder..."

Madame Park cleared her throat, eyes narrowing. But before she could respond, Fumiko leaned in, gaze sly.
"Guess it doesn't matter much anyway now that everything's signed...but just so you know..." Her voice dropped. "She's not exactly pregnant anymore."

Madame Park whirled back around, a flash of shock cracking her composure. "You be quiet!" she hissed under her breath, eyes darting around warily. She replayed the words, gaze snapping back to Fumiko. 

"Wait...what did you say?" she demanded. "What are you implying?"

"Oh I'm not merely implying anything," Fumiko said lightly, though her eyes flashed dangerously. "She probably induced herself. We Japanese are very innovative that way."

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