16. Rekindling Seoul's Serenade

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August 1941,
Occupied Seoul

Ji-tae's hands worked gently over Etta's as he massaged her palms, the dinner he was preparing laid out before them, yet to be consumed.

Outside the open window, the sounds of evening traffic passing by added to the comforting domestic ambience. 

"Why do you refuse to let me escort you publicly, Etta?" Ji-tae asked softly without looking up.

Etta studied his bent head and the precise movements of his fingers over her own. "For the sake of your sanity, I'd imagine."

At that Ji-tae did glance up, a wry smile touching his lips. "Or is it for yours?"

Etta paused, holding his inquisitive gaze with her own guarded one. Then she sighed, extricating her hands.

"Do not ask me to sacrifice your safety and standing solely for the fleeting sake of your happiness, Mr. Park," she admonished gently. "Meet me halfway back from this precipice you so boldly race towards. I haven't your courage or conviction in the potential shelter of this love you insist on building." 

She looked away, features softening. "Truly I think you utterly mad for persisting to fancy me as profoundly as you claim, sharp tongue and all." Etta shook her head, while the tender vulnerability unveiled. "What future can we realistically share in these times, no matter the strength of our feelings?"

Ji-tae studied Etta's profile quietly, his dark eyes trailing over the elegant slope of her nose, the fullness of her cheeks, the rich ebony of her flawless skin. A loose curl had escaped from her updo, caressing her neck gently in the breeze from the open window.

After long moments, he reached out slowly to lay his hand over hers, thumb tracing tiny circles on her knuckles. "The only future I care to achieve is one where I convince you, not only of the depth of my regard..." Here he brought her hands to his lips, never breaking eye contact, "but also of your utter worthiness to receive my affections openly and without reservation."

Etta's eyelids fluttered at the sensuous kiss, before she tilted her head inquisitively, gaze searching his. Ji-tae hesitated, gathering his thoughts as Etta regarded him inquiringly after their kiss.

He noted the way her full lips crooked higher at one corner subtly when curious - a charming detail he tucked away greedily.

When Etta tilted her graceful neck, studying him playfully through half-lowered lashes, Ji-tae couldn't restrain a besotted grin at this siren having chosen to grace his company so sweetly.

He knew no treasure equaling her radiance, nothing to desire above the musical lilt of her words directed fondly his way.

"Describe me then..." Etta suddenly challenged him lightly. "The way I appear through your eyes in moments like this. Paint me in words, Mr. Park."

Ji-tae chuckled, angling nearer to where she reclined atop silken cushions. "Well now, let's consider this request properly, songbird..."

As the peaceful seconds drew out, he simply gazed silently, etching every refined facet of her into memory with fresh attention - the regal arch of her brows and sculpted cheekbones catching low light,

full lips poised slyly daring him to capture their shape in mundane vocabulary that could never encapsulate such heady magic to his sight.

When Etta made to question the lengthy quiet, Ji-tae lifted a gently staying palm. "I want to relish all of you fully before I attempt translating such beauty into common vernacular, my dear..."

Etta gifted him a lilting laugh that warmed his soul. "Oh please...you merely angle for more seconds to conjure empty flattery..." Her expression softened.

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