15. Tides of Change

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Etta Osi Walker
Occupied Seoul,
late august 1941

The low lantern light lining the garden pathway cast a warm hazy glow around us as Ji-tae strolled me towards the waiting town car at relaxed pace.

A light floral perfume drifted from my hair - still upswept elegantly thanks to the resplendent new hanbok he'd gifted me only hours before as the inaugural adornment for our long awaited first true outing alone together.

Ji-tae inhaled deeply before giving me a gently roguish glance. "You smell divine by the way...like something forbidden from holy texts."

I responded with a playful little laugh. "Flatterer..." But secretly delight bloomed behind the veneer knowing he had chosen every component of the traditional ensemble with discernment down to the delicate mother-of-pearl hairpins now gleaming subtly amidst my dark locks.

As if reading my unspoken pleasure, Ji-tae stuffed his hands casually in his pockets while fixing me with a meaningful stare. "You claim to know me rather well already, Miss Etta..."

I turned my head to meet his open yet sincerely curious expression. "As for knowing me well..." He tilted his noble face thoughtfully. "I find myself rather more interested in what it is you think you've managed to uncover about my humble self thus far..."

I felt warmth suffuse my skin that had little to do with late summer's sultry air around us. What indeed might I share of his myriad facets my eyes had hungrily gathered up in increasing hope each new sunrise...

I tilted my head up to meet his open yet sincerely curious expression. "Trying to soften me up with pretty gifts before feeding me terrible cooking perhaps?" I challenged archly.

Ji-tae gave out a husky laugh, a handsome one, the kind where his eyes were crinkling subtly as he pointed towards a traditional style hanok tucked back within a rambling estate's sprawl.

"I'd have preferred properly wining and dining you in the city's finest establishment, my dear...yet since you were so insistent on secluded time together, this shall have to do." His grin held sinful promise as I scoffed at the audacity in his gaze.

" You give yourself too much credit Mr.Park."

Ji-tae edged closer then, smile shifting to something more provocative as he searched my face. "And unless I'm mistaken, that little maneuver just now is your preferred trick for avoiding inquiries poised your way, is it no...?"

I stilled, pulse kicking harder when his knowing stare held me there helplessly caught.

Ji-tae reached to brush his knuckles tenderly along my jawline. "So shall I ask once more what exactly you believe you've uncovered about the man standing before you thus far...?"

Even in playful banter, his rich voice resonated with vulnerable sincerity in a way that cracked me open further before him.

I wandered slowly around Ji-tae's tastefully appointed guest house turned temporary private oasis just for us, trailing my fingertips over the spines of books and smooth wooden contours of minimalist sculptures scattered about. Despite the elegant touches, the space felt intimate rather than imposing.

I turned to see him leaning patiently in the doorway, content it seemed for now just to observe me unhurriedly taking my measure of his refined world. Feeling suddenly self conscious under such undisguised admiration, I cast about for where to resume our earlier line of gentle probing.

"Well I can safely say your stoic charm has rather inexplicably caught me in its grasp..." I tilted my head, holding his tender gaze. "Though for the life of me I cannot understand what an eligible man of your standing finds so singular about a simple nightclub singer." I bit my lip, hesitating. "Especially one soon to be married off advantageously I'm sure..."

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