11. Crossroads of Destiny

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Occupied Seoul 
August 1941

August sunbeams called through the brisk afternoon breeze, washing the floating dust and lively merchant calls with a luminous glow.

Etta ambled down the worn dirt path between twisting market stalls, the scents of turmeric and smoked meats mingling with the earthy aroma of textiles as jewel toned silks fluttered at the corners of her vision.

Strands of her thick black Afro brushed over her shoulders as she paused, doe eyes catching on a ribbon trailing forgotten in the dirt - as red as ruby shards glinting beneath the honeyed sunlight.

She bent to pick it up, the fabrics of her dress whispering as she crouched low, sweeping the dusty street. Behind her, Ji-tae's sturdy hand hovered just over her bent form, nearly touching the elegant arch of her back.

His thumb just barely grazed a wayward raven coil as he shielded her bowed head from the carved wooden signpost with a touch one could describe as soft as the sighing wind.

Maybe it was the effortless mannerism he had in how he noticed every movement-because as Etta rose slowly, gazing up to meet Ji-tae's eyes as she turned, a hint of a smile playing on her lips at his subtle care.

"...Can you believe what Mr. Anderson said afterwards?" she asked, continuing the story she had yet to finish since their leisurely walk began. Her melodic voice continued mingling with merchants' lively calls as the brisk breeze carried it.

Still distracted, Etta was gently moved to the side, Ji-tae placed a gentle hand on her back, while gently guiding her around crates strewn haphazardly across the winding path as if steering a precious artifact through a cluttered museum.

"You seem quite comfortable around that Mr.Anderson fellow." he remarked, watching Etta twist the ribbon through her fingers as they walked. She flicked him an amused sideways glance.

"Oh my! Why Mr.Park, jealous of a gentleman old enough to be my father?" she teased.

Ji-tae scoffed softly, moving closer to shift Etta out of the path of an oncoming handcart. "Hardly. I was merely considering hiring him away from Paradise. His presence appears to...put you at ease."

His insightful gaze remained on Etta's face as she tied a small bow with the ribbon around one wrist. She smiled secretively, eyebrow lifting.

"Truly? Somehow I believe your motives are less altruistic than a desire to coddle me..." Trailing off, she redirected their leisurely course down a narrow side lane, the chatter of the main street fading behind them.

When she glanced back, Ji-tae was watching her steadily, his expression holding her eyes, barely grasping her fully till she broke eye contact.

Keeping her tone light despite a growing smile, Etta added, "In any case, I think Freddie serves his current role well enough, don't you?"

Without awaiting his answer, she spun lightly ahead, ribbon ends dancing. The lowered sunlight set the red silk aglow like licking flames above her graceful hands.

Glancing to the sky, she turned down an even smaller alleyway between close-set buildings, forcing Ji-tae to pursue more closely.

Distracted by the flutter of fabric in the warm breeze, Etta barely notice how she walked past Dachi Sato and his father as they came around a stand, their guard's arms filled with goods.

"Ah! Miss Etta..." Dachi started, a subtle smile touching his lips as his gaze followed her.

Etta glanced his way, offering the slightest grin as she dipped into a slight bow first at the older gentleman who paid her no mind, then once more toward Dachi in polite acknowledgment.

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