10. Old Flames, New Sparks

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Occupied Seoul
November 1944

Pale dawn light filtered softly through the half-bare branches, casting dappled shadows across the frosty ground. Etta breathed deep, letting the chill morning air pierce her lungs as she hauled the heavy bucket across the yard. The cold numbed her sore hands, made rough from long hours spent scrubbing endless piles of laundry.

With quiet focus, Etta poured the frigid water over the linens spread in the long wooden washtub before her. The methodic ritual brought some small sense of comfort amidst days filled with uncertainty. She needed the steadiness of familiar chores now more than ever.

Faint shouts in the distance broke Etta's moment of calm. She tensed, her shoulders drawing inward as the voices crescendoed. Suddenly, the flimsy door burst open with a violent crack. Etta's roommate came storming out, bony fingers twisted ruthlessly into little Daniel's collar.

The toddler sputtered apologies, eyes glassy with fever and brimming with tears. Gobs of chicken broth dripped from his quivering chin. The linens on the line fluttered wildly in the gusting wind as Etta's roommate hurled curses and insults at the cowering child.

"What is this?" the young woman spat, gesturing angrily to the trail of residue by their doorway.

Before Etta could respond, the sour scent of sickness cut through the morning air, and in an instant she had swept Daniel's trembling body behind the protective circle of her skirts.

She inclined her head deferentially to her enraged roommate, though tension carved deep lines beside her pressed lips.

Her hand curled around Daniel's shoulders, shielding him.

"Are you protecting him right now? You should be correcting him! It's too cold to open windows! What are you going to do?!" the young woman shrieked, her voice rising in anger. 

Etta raised her hands, palms outward, imploring her to lower her voice as little Daniel whimpered into her skirts. "Please," she urged, " My child is clearly unwell, he can hardly keep food down. Allow me to clean the mess quickly and I'll fetch a doctor..." 

The woman sniffed in disgust, cutting her off. "You should be ashamed, calling yourself a mother! How dare you let your child wander about ruining our living space?" Behind her a small audience gathered, other boarders peering with disdain at Etta as she stroked Daniel's hair in comfort.

Etta reached out slowly, just grazing the sleeve of the furious woman with tentative fingertips.

"Now listen..." she began gently.

The woman wrenched back as though scalded. "Don't you dare lay a filthy hand on me!" she shrieked.

Behind her, spectators continued their whispers and peered critically.

Etta drew herself up, shaking her head as she let out an indignant "Would you shut it!" Her voice remained low but snapped with annoyance. She angled away, spine rigid.

"Shut it?!! How dare you address me in such a way!" the woman challenged shrilly.

Etta exhaled tightly, massaging her throbbing temples.
She stiffened, biting back a sharp retort. She forced a calming breath.

"Frankly, I've held my tongue keeping the peace. But hear me clearly - " She took a measured step nearer, gaze leveled and exhausted from the calm she shadowed. "If you believe you can ever for the sake of reason, place hands close to my son that way again without consequence, you are gravely mistaken."

The woman scoffed. "Is that a threat?"

Etta raised her chin. "A promise. From one adult to a spoiled brat."

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