19. Entangled in History's Web

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December 1944,
Occupied Seoul

The sharp echo of furious heels preceded Miyoko long before she came storming around the corner into Ji-tae's private study. He glanced up calmly just as she threw open the heavy wooden doors without pause, clearly agitated. Though he could guess the reason, Ji-tae set aside his book, prepared to let her fully air her grievances.

As expected, Miyoko launched right into strident demands without preamble. "That woman needs to get out of my home! Surely you have sheltered her enough at this point for the sake of basic decency."

Ji-tae allowed a small sigh, having expected this tirade from his delicate wife. "Miss Walker is staying. I'm helping her."

But Miyoko just crossed her arms, temper flaring as brightly as her embroidered silk robe. "And you have aided her enough by now that honor should be satisfied! It makes a mockery of me to harbor your past singer without repercussion or timeframe."

Remaining calmly seated behind his imposing desk, Ji-tae merely shook his head once. "I decide when suitable arrangements for her protection are met, not you. For now, staying here is most sensible." His dismissive tone brooked no rebuttal.

Scarlet bloomed on Miyoko's cheeks. "She slapped me right across the face! And you continue coddling the wretch after such disrespect?"

Ji-tae quirked one brow mildly. "Miss Walker does not seem prone to violence without provocation. Perhaps you did something to merit punishment?"

"You cannot mean that!" Miyoko pressed agitated hands to her chest as if barely trusting his response. "I am your wife!"

Miyoko stared at her husband in outraged affront, vivid red staining her cheeks. "You would honestly take the side of that woman over your own wife?" Her voice climbed higher in pitch and volume. "What disillusionment has come over you?"

Ji-tae regarded her coolly. " I have known Etta Walker long enough to estimate her character accurately." He stood smoothly, hands clasped behind his back. "Now unless you have anything productive to say, I consider this matter closed, wife."

"You pompous, self-righteous....how dare you!" Miyoko seethed, rendered momentarily incoherent. She drew a visibly reining breath, outrage glittering dangerously in her eyes.

When she strode forward and made to strike him in a fit of pique, Ji-tae deftly caught her delicate wrist mere inches from his face. "Careful, Madame Park," he warned softly, a hint of steel under his mild tone. "We both know better than to lose control, especially over such small matters."

Wrenching loose with a disgusted noise, Miyoko spun on her heel. But at the doorway she paused to spear him with a venomous glare. "Do not be surprised when she runs away on her own accord...along with whatever valuables she can line her foreign nest with, no doubt."

Miyoko's outraged glare turned calculating. "That mix– that child of hers is too much burden here. I believe I shall write my brother to take the child off our hands...a ward raised in wealth should breed some loyalty at least."She toyed with her jade bracelet, and Ji-tae had sudden insight to her plotting. "Perhaps with my brother's connections, even some schooling abroad..."

"I will say this only once." Ji-tae stepped into her space, crowding her with all his greater height. His voice stayed controlled, but some leashed anger seeped through. "If you care at all for what little regard remains between us, you will cease scheming about using that innocent boy." One long finger tapped Miyoko's delicate collarbone for emphasis. "Understood?"

Scoffing derisively, Miyoko did not retreat. "As if you have any intention of taking in a child in such high society yourself!" Acid mocked in each word. "Surely such delusions about the negro woman have waned by now, Ji-tae?"

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