35. As the waves flow

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Etta Osi Walker
Occupied Seoul
February 1945

I leaned against the window frame, watching fat snowflakes continue their lazy descent from iron skies outside. Behind me, the cheerful cacophony of Daniel's giggles and Ji-tae's deeper rumbling laughter warmed the kitchen far better than any fire could.

"Think this winter snow will melt anytime soon?" I mused aloud, tracing branching frost ferns creeping across the glass pane. "Feels like it's been falling forever..."

I felt strong arms slip around my waist as Ji-tae came up behind me. "Eager to escape this place already?" He clucked his tongue in mock offense. "And here I assumed my company was less objectionable than being snowed in."

I couldn't restrain an unladylike snort, swatting playfully at his shoulder. "As if your ego requires any more swelling, Mr. Park!" But I leaned comfortably back into his embrace all the same, soaking up his subtle sandalwood scent.

He only chuckled, arms tightening around my waist in response. I watched snowflakes swirl lazily outside the frosted glass, feeling truly at peace.

Then Ji-tae nuzzled my neck teasingly. "You know, young Daniel mentioned just the other day he's been thinking about a sibling..."

I froze, surprise parting my lips even I as I felt warmth flood my cheeks. Surely he didn't mean...not so soon when we were still adjusting to simply living openly as a family. And yet, a traitorous part of me thrilled at the possibility of expanding our family when things stabilized.

I turned to peer up at him, taking in Ji-tae's playful smile as he swept back long loose hair, completely at ease. He winked down at me. "Or perhaps two more siblings - Daniel explained he'd quite like a little brother AND sister to play with."

"Mr. Park!" I gasped out, swatting his chest even as laughter escaped despite myself. "Do mind your manners, sir!"

I shot him a reproachful look, though its effect was likely ruined by the traitorous grin tugging my mouth upwards. Completely unrepentant, Ji-tae merely leaned casually back against the counter with arms folded across his chest. His eyes danced bright with amusement at my flustered state.

I risked a discreet glance across the kitchen to where Daniel sat happily munching orange slices. Thankfully he seemed fully engrossed in the sweet treat, still oblivious to his father's scandalous remarks. Though knowing my precocious toddler, he was liable to parrot Ji-tae's bold comments verbatim later in front of polite company if overheard.

I turned my attention back to Ji-tae, drinking in his relaxed pose. Morning light set golden highlights glinting along his expertly mussed hair where silken strands escaped their leather tie. The open collar of his white tunic revealed a tempting glimpse of collarbone that my trailing stare helplessly followed.

As if sensing my wandering eye, Ji-tae's mouth quirked deeper, smug male satisfaction fairly radiating from his lounging form. I felt warmth flood my cheeks anew at being caught ogling so brazenly.

With effort I dragged my gaze upwards only to meet his molten one boldly awaiting me. Ji-tae winked roguishly then as our stare held - a heart stopping grin guaranteed to thoroughly undo my composure every time.

Flustered laughter escaped me once more and I swatted ineffectually at his arm in passing. Still shaking my head ruefully, I crossed the kitchen floorboards to sweep Daniel up amidst delighted squeals instead. I propped my wriggling son securely on one hip, shooting Ji-tae a mock-severe look over the riot of springy ebony curls.

My errant lover merely continued beaming back wholly unrepentant. And despite all attempts at righteous indignation, I felt my own smile softening helplessly in answer beneath our son's joyful chatter.

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