12. Amidst Political Echoes

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Occupied Seoul,
December 1944

Madame Nam stood watching the alley snow steadily accruing its icy depth. With a huff, she tossed the contents of her wooden bucket across the stoop, hoping to melt some accumulating powder before it froze over fully.

The low rumble of an engine echoed down the narrow passage before a gleaming town car eased up alongside the tenement wall. Madame Nam lifted a brow as the driver hurried to open the rear door.

Before his charge could emerge, the liveried man leaned down deferentially. "Sajang-nim. Given the unrest and patrols lately, perhaps you ought to wait here rather than drawing unnecessary scrutiny... Your Mr.Sato seems to be more interactive than usual."

Suspicion bloomed in Madame Nam's stare as she noted how the shadowed passenger still exuded moneyed confidence and refinement even at leisure.

As the driver finally approached through the softly drifting flakes, she drew herself upright.

"The snow always returns to erase even stubborn strides..." The young suited man smiled almost playfully as he nodded to her bucket.

Madame Nam just gazed back stonily. "And who, may I ask, are you?"

The smile slipped. "Apologies, ma'am." He bowed slightly. "I've been sent to inquire about any woman with child who may currently live on the premises."

Madame Nam bristled, clutching her broom tighter. "We house only solo women presently. Now state your purpose properly or be off before patrols switch!"

Unfazed, the envoy tried again. "But a neighbor recently claimed—"

"Then they misremember!" Madame Nam snapped. "No mother has lived here for years." She glared and pointed stiffly with her makeshift weapon. "And we have no use for men circling endlessly with no good reason. This is the second morning now I've seen your vehicle creeping about..."

Madame Nam leaned sideways, peering over the driver's shoulder suspiciously. She noted with some dark satisfaction that his well-dressed companion had wisely chosen to remain concealed within the idling vehicle rather than approaching the complex himself.

She looked back at the servant left to endure her blistering stare alone. "Well. At least your employer shows sense staying hidden for now, even if not grasping when a presence is unwelcome."

The functionary swallowed visibly but stood his ground. "We intend only polite enquiry, no ill will..."

Madame Nam cut him off. "Two strange men appearing unannounced means no good news in my experience." She took one threatening step closer and the man instinctively shrank back.

"This is your last chance to prove good judgment before I take matters into my own hands." She pointed with rigid conviction down the alley towards the street.

"I assure you I've no qualms seeing blood of entitled interlopers join that of innocents already flooding our gutters. Force my hand again and I will report your purposeless harassment personally."

Properly intimidated, the driver bowed hurriedly and withdrew without another word. Madame Nam watched the car disappear before turning back inside, disquiet lingering like the slowly drifting snowflakes. Somehow she suspected this stubborn visitor would not be deterred easily next time.

Just as she was about to turn away, Madame Nam watched with thinly veiled disgust as the rear passenger door opened and a polished leather shoe emerged. There was a pause, followed by the outline of an expensively suited gentleman. Clearly the interloper had decided to confront her displeasure directly now.

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