13. The Weight of the Past

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Occupied Seoul,
December 1944

The next morning, Madame Nam sat vigil at Etta's infirmary bedside, little Daniel nestled comfortably in the older woman's embrace as Etta finally stirred. Eyes still closed, she made an instinctive move to sit up before wincing sharply, sinking weakly back against the pillows.

"Gently now child..." Madame Nam soothed, adjusting the cool cloth on Etta's brow. "You've been asleep nearly sixteen hours. Gave us all quite the fright collapsing like that outside." 

Etta struggled to orient herself, blinking slowly. "Daniel! The lounge...my performance tonight..." she mumbled thickly through parched lips.

Madame Nam smoothed a hand over Daniel's rumpled hair as the boy played with her beaded necklaces. "Hush now, no need to worry for that at present. I've already sent word you'll be taking some time off recuperating."

At that Etta forced her eyelids fully open, alarm spiking her heartbeat so the monitor began beeping faster. "Time off? For how long?" She struggled once more to rise from the pillow despite her caretaker's warnings. "Madame Nam I assure you, I just need some food and I'll be fine to return to the stage..."

"You'll not be returning to the stage indefinitely, child." Madame Nam's stern tone brooked no arguments. "Any situation frightening enough to cause such hysterics and physical collapse has proven it's not worth further engagement despite the success it brought. I have contacts elsewhere you can utilize until we establish new opportunity."

Etta could only stare, stunned to silence.

"Does this fear have anything to do with a young man who came around earlier inquiring after you, perhaps?" Madame Nam pressed on gently.

At that, Etta visibly paled. "Someone was here asking for me?" She tried bolting fully upright in alarm, wincing sharply at the sudden movement.

Madame Nam placed a calming hand on her shoulder. "Now now, settle down dear heart - no one's come to harm. I simply informed the tenacious fellow you had moved out long ago when he wouldn't be brushed off."

But Etta only seemed to grow more agitated, shaking her head vehemently even as pain clouded her glassy eyes. "You don't understand, he's dangerous! If he tracked me here then you're all in danger..."

Madame Nam clucked reassuringly as she lifted a sleepy Daniel into old Mi-sook's waiting arms. "This old place has weathered escaped wives and debt collectors before without flinching - we'll be fine. What matters is your safety."

She studied the trembling Etta closely, maternal concern etching deep lines around her mouth. "I'll ask no further questions if it distresses you so...but I suspect this demon from your past shan't find you now. The only path is forward - away from former ghosts, towards the next horizon."

"Daniel's father...you told us once he was killed by the Japanese forces?" Madame Nam queried delicately after Mi-sook stepped out.

Etta nodded hesitantly. "Yes, that's right."

"And this new threat...somehow connected?" Madame Nam pressed, face lined with empathy.

Traces of shadowed panic skittered across Etta's face before she could hide them. "I...I have my reasons for fearing him," she finally whispered. "It's just... I cannot..." Her eyes grew glassy with tears that didn't fall.

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