14. Secrets of the Chaebol

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December 1944
Occupied Seoul

"What do you mean 'she's back'?" Yong-su raged from across the cavernous empty parlor room, the echo resounding off dark polished wood. He advanced sharply on Dachi where the other man sat slumped with defeat over the long oak table.

Dachi raised his head just enough to shoot his brother-in-law an acid glare.

"Oh don't act so righteous, you're the one sleeping with my sister while hating her brother. At least my latest indiscretions are out of the family!"

Yong-su slammed a fist down with a cracking impact, fury contorting his classically attractive features.

"Don't you dare attempt comparisons or play the victim here! Does Miyoko even realize who is now wandering the grounds of the family estate?"

" I don't believe they ever met." Dachi responded. " I asked her a favor. I've kept you two a secret for this long.  It's time she did the same."

Yong-su stopped short in his frenetic pacing, mind working furiously. "So you actually believe it wise to just allow this woman to remain there in the household with my elder brother?"

" You say that like he has power to do anything." Dachi scoffed.

"Have you lost all sense? Do you even realize how he may react if he uncovers what happened? Or even figure out who fathered the child now scampering around his polished halls?"

From his weary slouch in an enveloping wingback armchair tucked near the ebony desk, Dachi lifted his throbbing head just enough to spear his brother-in-law with a bloodshot glare.

"And what could the esteemed Ji-tae Park possibly do if he did discover all, hm?" he rasped bitterly. With an impatient flick of his hand, he gestured to the sheaf of legal documents stacked neatly beside Yong-su's abandoned glass of alcohol on the lacquered tabletop.

"Now quit these hypotheticals already and hand over the revised estate wills we just finished reworking.
Your sainted model elder sibling may rant and posture at first, but he won't stay enraged once those legendary charms get ensnared by a lovely woman again."

Dachi's colorless lips twisted sardonically. "Or have you forgotten what besotted fools beauty renders men into?"

Yong-su's jaw tightened as he silently slid the papers across, sharp gaze tracking Dachi scanning through with an intensity that could ignite the print.

After an aggravated moment, he ground out instead through clenched teeth gouging half-moons into his palms, "Just see to it your stupidity doesn't unleash complete disaster as usual..."

Park Ji-Tae
August 1941
Occupied Seoul

I leaned a shoulder against the doorway of Etta's dressing room, watching as she readied herself at the gilded vanity.

"I heard a whisper of a new song you wanted performed on your debut here tonight - one I hadn't been privileged to previously," I began smoothly.

Her sly hazel eyes caught mine in the reflection of the mirror. "Oh? And what makes you think you deserve special privilege to my creative secrets before the full crowd, Mr. Park?"

I smiled slowly, relishing the dance, as I crossed over to perch alongside her. "Call it professional curiosity..." My hand found her knee, tracing delicate shapes through the silk of her robe. "Among other personal interests."

Her lips quivered with a barely restrained smile. I leaned in closer, dropping my voice confidingly.

"Won't you take pity and gift your ardent admirer just a small private preview?" I grazed the whorls of her ear, breath warm. "A taste to savor before you belong to the masses out there?"

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