26. To the faithful amongst us

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January, 1945
Occupied Seoul

Madame Nam paced the polished office floors, her dark burgundy hanbok swishing sharply. She stopped before the heavy desk, glaring at Superintendent Mori.

"Well? Have your incompetents located the arsonist who destroyed my business yet?" she demanded.
Superintendent Mori sighed, setting down his pen.

Mori set down his pen with a measured sigh. "Madame Cho-hee, you must be patient. These investigations take time and discretion..."

She was silent for a moment, before smiling and shaking her pointer finger lightly.

"Wrong answer," she cut him off calmly. Moving to the seat opposite him, Madame Nam gracefully arranged her skirts before resting her chin on one delicate hand, staring him down.

She tapped her red lips in mock thought. "Let's say it together now, shall we, Superintendent? Da-chi Sa-to." She enunciated each syllable with crisp precision.

Mori fell silent, resisting the urge to loosen his uniform collar as her unrelenting gaze bored into him.
Finally he stated evenly, "Cho-hee, we have discussed this. Publicly accusing respected families without evidence would deeply mar the department's reputation..."

Madame Nam threw back her head and elegantly released a scornful laugh. "Spare me the platitudes, Superintendent. We both know the farce you play at being Japanese to retain position."

She leaned forward, eyes glinting. "So do enlighten me - when they discover Mori the feared investigator is but another Korean dog begging for scraps, what then?"

The Superintendent slammed a fist on the desk. "Ya!" he burst out instinctively.

Madame Nam arched a delicate brow, mocking his outburst. "Ya, ya, ya...are you quite finished?" She smiled without humor. "You won't continue living off my late husband's wealth and then disrespect his widow so crassly. I want that clear."

She settled back, gaze piercing. "While you and your relatives indulge in luxury, I sit silent, watching every step to not attract eyes. Do not tempt me to take you all down if offended."

This is a Sato!" Mori yelled, face purpling. " A Sato Cho-Hee!"

Madame Nam gave him a pitying look, bitterness twisting her rose-painted lips. "My husband's dying is the only reason that whelp ever grew powerful. I'd watch him beg my husband for guidance at those lounges while hypocritically insulting his name behind his back later on..."

She trailed off, gaze growing distant as though suddenly transported back to gilded scenes from her past. Fragments of a familiar haunting tune seemed to echo faintly before Madame Nam blinked away the melody and pinned Superintendent Mori with a piercing look once more. 

"But I understand - you men think too little of us women to take heed of threats in our soft voices." Her tone hardened. "You will learn the truth in this soon enough. A woman's words once dismissed can return louder than any man's fist pounding tables when you least expect."

She paused, drilling Mori with her unrelenting stare. "But. Let me assure you, Superintendent. You will discover what real power looks like soon enough. Prove you were worthy enough to be born a man." Her voice turned lethally soft. "And if you prove incapable of properly using your manhood in my service...I may just rid you of the cumbersome burden and correct heaven's mistake myself."

Mori frowned, regret mingling with building frustration. "I hear you! I do!" He yelled lamely for a moment. Gazing at the imposing woman before him, Mori tried again. "Look, the law has limits in these matters. I did all that was prudent—"

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