31: To rewrite a heartache

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February, 1945
Occupied Seoul

Etta smoothed Daniel's shirt across her knees, lost in bittersweet memories as she finished folding his laundry.

The nursery air still lingered with the sweet scent of dried rose petals she had mixed into the clothing chests. Daniel sat happily nearby rolling a beloved toy car across the woven rug. His stuffed bear and bunny near by.

"All tidy again, my little lamb," Etta murmured, setting the stack aside. Crossing the cozy room, she knelt to brush wayward curls back and secure the boy's new shoes.

A light knock sounded just before Mi-sook entered bearing mended linens. Her wrinkled features creased further with a kindly smile seeing Etta hovering protectively over exuberant Daniel as always.

"Good Morning, Dear. I trust you are feeling more restored after...recent troubles stirred?" Mi-sook sank creakily onto a small stool, genuine concern warming her eyes.

Etta managed a tremulous smile, surprising herself by voicing aloud what had been etched on her heart these haunted nights.

"You would have cherished knowing Mr. Anderson, Mi-sook. He was one of the most extraordinary souls I have known in my short but eventful life."

The older woman nodded slowly. "I do not doubt your words in the slightest, my dear. Your devotion speaks to who this gentleman must have been."

There was a pause as Etta continued gazing pensively out the window, fingertips resting lightly on the floral-print curtains as faint winter sunlight filtered into the cozy room.

With a small fortifying breath, Etta turned towards little Daniel playing contentedly nearby and managed a tremulous smile. "That would be our ride," she said gently. "We should go greet Halemoni."

Hoisting the toddler onto her hip, Etta made her way downstairs to where Ji-tae was reviewing paperwork in the stately study.

He glanced up immediately when she entered, eyes warming as they traced over her simple black dress.

"You look beautiful," he said simply, rising smoothly to his feet.

Etta managed a small, bittersweet smile and a nod, of thanks, adjusting Daniel more securely against the soft floral scent of her shoulder.

Ji-tae crossed around the heavy teak desk to gently squeeze Etta's shoulder and brush a large hand over Daniel's downy hair. "Safe travels to you both," he bid solemnly.

His eyes lingered a moment on Daniel's cheerful, oblivious face and something quietly conflicted  entered his expression. But it was swiftly schooled away again with practiced poise.

Dipping in an elegant goodbye, Etta carried Daniel out to the waiting town car where Madame Nam stood smiling gently beside the open rear door.

The society maven's knowing eyes softened further at sight of Daniel, waving in her direction gently as he often did. Soon all three travelers were ensconced within the polished interior and the driver pulled silently away down the tree-lined lane.

A contemplative silence settled around them, filled only by Daniel's occasional smile of contentment. Beyond appreciating the beautiful scenery passing by outside the windows, no further small talk seemed either required or expected.

Etta kept her gaze focused out the window for most of the drive, gently bouncing a content Daniel on her knee when he grew restless.

She took what comfort she could from his solid warmth, discarding her regrets. Madame Nam followed the young woman's gaze, concentrating on the movement that was being navigated about the winding wooded roads with care.

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