Chapter 15

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'Anyway so.......' 

Now you're sitting in front of your former stalker as she devours the steak in front of her. 

Pressing your lips together, you watched her not offer you a single bite. 

"Your welcome." you rolled your eyes. 

"I'm not thanking you." she barks back. 

"Whatever." you tsked.

"And I'm not giving up on Ju In either." she casually started a conversation. 

"Didn't he reject you though?" You questioned. 

She glared at you "Do you really expect me to belive he has a girlfriend when-" She paused as she stared at you. 

"Stop staring you little creep. 'When' What? what did he do?" 

"Ugh nevermind." she shook her head. 

You rested your chin on your hand and thought 'Has he been hoeing around?' 

"And you." She looked up. "Why didn't you say yes to that guy?" 

"Are you talking about the one who confessed to me afterschool that one day? What the hell? Did you plant him to humiliate me or something?" you interogated her. 

"What? No you weirdo. I was waiting for you to get out of school so I could kick you. And then I saw it." 

"I don't even know him. Just something about it doesn't feel organic to me. Plus I'm not even looking for a relationship." 

"Well now you're spending a lot of time together in the club." she added which made you realize she's right. 

"hm. You're right." you reflected. 

"Have you changed your mind about him?" she questioned. 

You were unable to answer her. 

The next day, you stayed afterschool in the club. You guys were working together to seal letters for a local childrens hospital, only now, you were a little too aware of the other person. 

"Song," You called his name. "Can you grab that for me." and he obliged. You started realizing how comfortable you are in his presence. He makes you laugh, he laughs at your jokes, he understands your references, and he's really nice to you. 

'Am I catching feelings for Song?' you thought to yourself. 'Or did that girl brainwash me?'

'If I do like him, does he even like me anymore? I can't even take care of myself right now, how would I be able to be considerate of a whole other human being? I'm not mature enough to date someone and make it work right now. I really enjoy his company. What if we do date, and we break up? That would ruin what we have forever. Is he someone I'd want to spend the rest of my life with?' A lot of thoughts were circling in your head making your stomach hurt. 

"I'm going to the nurse's office for a second." You told Song. 

"She's not here though. She left when school ended remember?" He reminded. 

"I'm just going to look around the cabinet to see if there are any medicine for stomach aches." You started walking to the door. 

"Wait hold up you're gonna steal drugs??" He caught up to you . 

"I- When you say it like that.." you trailed off. 

"I think you should just go home for today. I'll finish the rest of the letters, there's only a couple left." 

"Yeah a couple boxes you mean." you guys had a hard task. Volunteer club was no joke. No chance you were going home over a stomach ache. 

"Maybe your stomach hurt because you're hungry?" he questioned a possibility. 

'Oop. wait.' you thought as you stopped walking. 

"I did skip lunch.." You slept through lunch but woke up not feeling hungry enough to eat. 'Now that I think about it, why would thinking make my stomach hurt.' 

He giggled a sigh of relief and turned you back around to the classroom. "If you won't go home to eat, I'll just have to bring the food to you. We're getting delivery!" He excliamed brightly. 

"Ooh I want fried chicken, or something with beef!" You matched the energy now feeling happy and excited. 

"I want raman!" you two were almost jumping around when you got back into the classroom excited and ready to order. Shortly after, the food had arrived and he went to go get it while you kept sealing the letter. 

"Surprise!!" he came back with two bags full of hot foods. 

Sitting far away from the letters, you two sat near the front by the window. "My chicken look so good!" you gazed hungrily at the food. 

"My raman is steaming" He almost drooled. "Wait I got a surprise for you." He stops you for a second and rumages through his delivery bag. 

Finally he pulls out an extra plastic bowl and places it infront of you. "I got you an extra bowl so you could have some raman too." 

Sitting in utter shock, you dropped your jaw but quickly closed it as you gestured for him to stop in his tracks. Now it was your turn to pull out an extra plastic plate and place it in front of him. 

"I literally thought of the same exact thing. I was going to give you some of my chicken too!" You both bursted out laughing in surprise and thanks. Someone once told you that sharing a meal with someone meant that you feel safe with them. You enjoy their company, and you care for them. That were absolutely correct. 

It felt like a small recess in your hectic life where you sit and relax for a little bit before going back into it. Not having a moment to even think about getting up and heading back into your schedule was nice. Not only did the person infront of you grow closer in your heart, so did the place. The classroom where so many unhappy memories hang in the air, was suddenly completely different. You knew as you looked up at his smiling face that you'd miss this day if it were to never happen again. 

'This feels more like childhood rather than romance.' You thought to yourself. 

'Was I mistaken? Maybe I don't like Song.'

'But I do love being around him.' 

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