Chapter 11 - Jace

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I'm standing in front of the mirror doing my make-up and click my tongue in annoyance as I think back to Ghost's warning. I haven't been doing this since yesterday, I won't lose focus if I go out with someone.

My fingers glide over the bruise on my lip from where Piper hit me, and I apply more lip gloss in an attempt to hide it.

I still wonder why Ghost asked for me to come back here. Are we going on a mission, or did he just want to spite me? I'd bet on the latter.

One of the medics looked at my arm earlier and gave me a sling to wear for a couple of days along with pain pills. I don't intend to wear it though; the pain pills will do the job.

Pixie groans softly as she wakes up, slowly stretching out in the bed and blinking away the sleep from her eyes.

"Hey, how're you feeling?" I ask.

"Hmmm, much better," she responds and sits up in bed, feeling over her nose.

"Good, I'm glad."

"Where are you going?" she asks looking me over, "Why are you all dressed up?"

"You remember the guy I greeted in the gym this morning?"

She nods, "The hot guy? Yes, I remember, why?"

"His name's Jace, he asked me to go out with him tonight."

She jumps up, "What? Are you serious?" she asks excitedly.

"Yes, but I'm just going because I didn't have the heart to say no."

She eyes me skeptically, "Yeah right."

"What? Okay, I'll admit, he's hot, but I'm not really looking for a relationship right now."

She scoffs, "You don't have to marry him, just have some's been a while...hasn't it?"

"Shut up, it hasn't been that long."

She laughs, "If you say so...I just think some action will do you good, your temper has been a bit high lately. It'll be good to take it all out on someone."

"Whatever," I snicker and roll my eyes, "How do I look?"

"Absolutely stunning, where's he taking you?"

"Thanks, I don't know yet, he just said to wear something nice."

When it gets closer to the time, I say goodbye to her and make my way down to the office where we agreed to meet.

I think back at what she said. Sure, Jace is hot, but I'm not really attracted to him.

The hallways are dead silent in the office building. Everyone is either in the mess hall or in their rooms.

I expect to find no one here, but as I pass Ghost's office, I notice the door is open. I glance inside as I pass, and to my dismay, I see him working at his desk. My stomach drops and I look away quickly, hoping he didn't notice me. The last thing I want is to have to talk to him now.

Just as I'm about to turn the corner, I'm stopped in my tracks.

"So, you're going anyway?" I hear behind me.

I breathe out in frustration, before turning around to face him.

He's leaning in his doorframe, arms crossed as usual.

"Yes, I am." I say bluntly.

He nods slowly, his gaze lingering on my body and I feel my cheeks heat up from self-consciousness.

When his eyes stop on mine again, he snickers before turning away and disappearing into his office. 

I feel my face starting to flush with anger. A snicker? He fucking snickered at me! Who does he think he is judging me when he hides behind that stupid mask?

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