Chapter 65 - Omen ♥️

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A/N: Heads up, babes, this chapter will contain descriptive smut. I felt like experimenting with my smut style a bit and added some "lewder than usual" descriptions.😊

Restless and filled with unease, I find myself pacing back and forth in the confines of my room.

I just returned from the showers; a meager privilege permitted by Alejandro's men who stood outside the stall the entire time.

My bag is still laying untouched on the floor like I left it when I was searching for my phone.

Normally, I find comfort in reorganizing or cleaning when upset, and I contemplate packing my belongings. Considering that I won't be taking anything with me when I'm locked up, I decide to leave it. The only thing that really had value to me was the pictures and old messages I had saved on my phone and even that was taken away from me.

Come to think of it, I wonder where Oz is and what they're planning to do with the other Shadows? They were just following Graves' orders...surely, they can't lock them all up too.

I wonder what time it is, it's already dark outside and Ghost still hasn't returned.

Feeling fragile, I almost start crying again, fearing he might not come back here tonight.

Eventually, I decide to pack my belongings anyway, I can't sit around like this with all these thoughts, it'll drive me insane.

I haven't heard anyone else in the hallways, and the other women will probably return tomorrow. Pixie will probably sleep in Soap's room tonight. I wonder how she feels about Graves.

Once I'm done packing, I sit on the edge of the bed, staring at my belongings. I don't know how everything went so wrong. Obviously, it all started with me not checking the stupid cargo...but I replay different scenarios in my head trying to see what I could've done differently to change Graves' fate.

I was taken from the prison, they didn't want to accept his terms, they infiltrated the base and killed him. The only scenario in which he might've survived is if they accepted his terms or if he listened to me and surrendered.

Shepherd probably would've heard by now.

The door unlocks and turning to it, I see Ghost entering the room. His eyes move from me to the heap of belongings, before looking back at me, "Going somewhere?" he quips.

"Yeah...jail," I retort.

He tuts, "Not if I can help it," and he comes to sit down next to me on the bed.

"Do you think Shepherd knows yet?"


"What if he thinks I had something to do with it? The Shadows could have seen me, and somebody could report to him..."

"I doubt it, Sweetheart, you know none of them have direct contact with Shepherd."

"What about Oz? He does."

"He wasn't here. He must be in the US," he tries to reassure me, "I highly doubt that Shepherd knows about your involvement, relax."

I nod, feeling a bit better.

"I'm leaving for Chicago in a couple of hours, Valeria gave us the coordinates."

It seems she didn't tell them that I read the note. If she did, he would've said something.

"How long will you be gone for?" I ask.

"I can't say, I don't know which way this mission will swing to, might be days or weeks..."

"But what about my brother?" I ask worried.

"Laswell is still on it, and I'll let you know as soon as we get something."

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