Chapter 63 - Ghost Team

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I wake up as Ghost sits up in bed, fidgeting with his clothes. I wish we were back in the little house in the mountains, or even in the apartment in London. Anywhere, really, as long as it's just the two of us. Anywhere but here.

He slips out of bed in the dimly lit room, leaning down to press a kiss on my lips, before pulling the mask down, "I'll see you later, and eat your food. If you don't, you'll have me to deal with."

"Yes, sir," I mumble with a sleepy nod, my eyes still closed as I snuggle deeper into the warmth of the blankets.

The door clicks shut behind him, and then silence. I still don't know how a man as bulky as him can walk without making a sound.

I try to go back to sleep, but my mind refuses to quiet down. Did Laswell speak to Price? Will he allow me to assist them? It's difficult to believe that he would trust me. I wanted to talk to Ghost about it, but I didn't get a chance.

As the first rays of sunlight filter through the small window, I get up and slip into my pants and boots, before pacing around in the room for some exercise.

Eventually, I hear voices outside my door again, and one of Alejandro's soldiers comes in, handing me a plate of breakfast. I take it, eyeing the food skeptically. Just to please Ghost, I take a few bites before resuming my restless pacing. Laswell wants me to help, but I don't know if I should. If Shepherd finds out, I'm fucked.

The alternative is being taken into custody though.

As if she could hear my thoughts, the door unlocks, and she enters the room in a hurry.

"Shadow," she greets hastily, "I don't have much time. I'm leaving with Nikolai. I just wanted to let you know that I spoke to Price, and he agreed to let you assist them."

Relief washes over me, and I nod eagerly, "What do I need to do?"

"You'll be helping them with their plans to retake Alejandro's base. Share your knowledge and cooperate with them as much as you can."

"And what about Shepherd?" I ask concerned.

"If I find any intel, I'll let Ghost know. Now, Shadow, I want you to understand that I will ultimately have to take you into custody and can only buy you so much time."

"I understand, Laswell. Thank you."

She nods and surprisingly takes my hands in hers, "I truly hope everything works out in the end. Best of luck to you."

"Thank you, Laswell," I reply.

She offers a faint smile before turning to leave the room.

I feel slightly better knowing she'll help.

The morning drags on, and the hallway outside my door remains eerily quiet. I find myself constantly pressing my ear against the door, hoping to catch even the faintest sound, but all I'm met with is a deafening silence.

During the afternoon, the door unlocks again, and I expect it to be Ghost or Alejandro's soldiers, but it's Price. He steps into the room and comes to a stop in front of me, his expression is stoic, and his voice firm, "Did Laswell speak to you?" he asks, cutting straight to the point.

I nod, "She did."

"Good," he replies, his tone cold, "You will assist us then," he says and takes a step closer to me, his presence looming over me, "And I swear, if you fucking try anything..."

"Stop treating me like I'm some criminal," I cut him off, "You're no better than me," I assert, matching his demeanor. I refuse to be treated like this, especially not by individuals with questionable deeds themselves.

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