Chapter 34 - Leave

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I sit up in the big bed and look around the room. It's already morning and I can see little spots of sun peeking through the blinds. I didn't sleep a wink; I shouldn't have slept on the flight.

I wonder if Ghost is awake yet, he seemed very tired last night.

I get up carefully and walk to the door, taking small steps to not rest too much weight on my legs. I open the door slowly and peer down the hall, all the doors are still closed, I don't even know which room he's in.

I make my way down the hall to the living room and kitchen, but find both empty. He isn't up yet.

A ray of sunlight is shining through an opening in the dark curtains, and I walk to it, pulling the curtain back. It exposes sliding doors, which lead out onto a balcony.

I open the curtains fully and look around for the key, spotting it hanging from a hook on the wall.

After silently unlocking the door, I step outside, breathing in the fresh morning air. The sun is warm on my skin, but the temperature is cool.

There are patio chairs and plants on the balcony. I wonder who waters the plants. Probably not necessary as it rains here most of the time.

I walk to the railing and lean with my elbows on it. The street below is already bustling with cars and people. I understand what he meant when he said he can never relax here.

I still wonder why he asked me to come here. I shake the thoughts from my head, remembering what Pixie said, don't overthink it.

"Up so early?" Ghost's groggy voice pulls me from my thoughts.

I turn to him and smile, "Yeah, couldn't sleep."

He's wearing a t-shirt with sweats and takes a seat in one of the patio chairs. He lifts his mask and lights a cigarette, "Something wrong with the bed?"

I shrug, "No, it's perfect, my mind just doesn't shut down sometimes."

He nods, "Know the feeling."

"How'd you sleep?" I ask as I make my way over to him, his eyes travel down my legs as I do.

"All right," he says, "You know you shouldn't be walking on those legs; I made an exception last night because you were being stubborn."

I click my tongue, "I wasn't being stubborn, it's called being independent," and I hold my fingers out to him for the cigarette.

He pulls it away and out of my reach, his eyes daring, "And you shouldn't smoke either."

I smile, "Yeah? Are you gonna rat me out?"

"If I have to."

I sit down in the opposite chair and cross my arms, "Fine, whatever, but I'll get one eventually."

"Maybe, but you won't get this one," he takes a deep drag of the cigarette, blowing out the smoke. 

Now he's just teasing me.

The doctor forbade me from smoking until my chest is fully healed.

I lean back in the chair and close my eyes, enjoying the sunlight. It feels nice to not have to be somewhere for once. It wasn't the same in the hospital, nurses were in and out all the time and I slept most of the time from the medication. Now, I can just relax.

I can feel eyes on me, and I slowly open mine to meet his gaze. His eyes rest on me but his expression is unreadable.

The thing about Ghost is, he doesn't look away like a normal person. If he stares at you and you look at him, he keeps staring, forcing you to look away, as if you were the intruder in the first place.

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