Chapter 30 - Solo

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I wake up as the bed moves and open my eyes to see Ghost sitting up. It's morning.

I lift my head, but immediately regret it as sharp pains shoot through it. Why did I drink so much last night!

I close my eyes again and grab my head, groaning in pain. It feels like I'm being stabbed.

It's silent and I open my eyes again to see Ghost looking down at me.

"Leave me alone," I say.

"I didn't even say anything."

"I know you were about to."

He sighs and gets up, grabbing the towel that was hanging over the door. He walks into the bathroom and slams the door behind him, making my head hurt even more.

I glare at the closed door, one of these days, I'm going to strangle him.

I get up slowly, trying to hold my head steady. The less it moves, the less it hurts.

My eyes scan over the room, I should leave now, while he's showering. I really don't want to hear another lecture or fight with him again.

I slide out of bed quickly, gathering my dress and belongings in my arms. Everyone is probably still sleeping. 

I tiptoe to the door, unlock it and carefully turn the handle, trying not to make too much noise. The door squeaks slightly and I slip out, closing it behind me.

I dash for my room, running on my tip toes. The halls are dead silent. Ghost and Price are the only psychopaths who get up this early in the morning.

Once in my room I down water and pain pills, before getting into my own bed. I'll sleep for a couple of hours; I need to be ready for the mission this afternoon.

I wake up to the sound of laughter outside my door and sit up. Thankfully, my head doesn't hurt anymore. 

A small streak of sunlight enters the room and I pick my phone up, 11h00. I'll have to get my day started now.

I get up and gather my clothes for the mission. I just realized I'm still wearing Ghost's hoodie. I'll wash it and give it back to him. After slipping on sweatpants, I exit the room and head to the showers.

I feel better after my shower and make my way to the laundry room.

As I wait for the bundle of clothes to dry, I text Pixie;

"Are you still alive?"

"Barely, my head hurts like hell."

"Mine did too, but I drank pills and took a nap, you should do the same."

"Maybe later, where are you? Have you eaten?"

"Nope, I'm doing some laundry, want to give the girl her dress back."

"Oh yeah, when you're done, come to the mess hall and eat lunch with me, you can give me the dress then. I'll take it to her."

"I will."

I wait a couple more minutes, and when the drying cycle ends, I gather my clothes into a bag and make my way back to my room. After neatly putting away my clothes, I place the dress and hoodie into a bag before heading down to the mess hall.

It's packed as usual, and I spot Pixie sitting alone and clutching her head. I can imagine all this noise is not helping her hangover.

I grab a few scoops of food and dish it on my tray before making my way to her table. I slide into the bench, and she looks up, "Ugh, next time when you see me with a drink in my hand, snatch it!"

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