Chapter 64 - Mourning

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The drive back to base is filled with tension, stretching out into a long and silent journey. I find myself unable to meet anyone's gaze, my eyes remaining fixed on the floor of the van. Despite our argument, I'm grateful to have Ghost by my side. His presence brings me some comfort in this unbearable situation.

As we near the base, Ghost communicates with Price on comms and we settle in, waiting for his signal to proceed to the gate. Soap and Rudy engage in conversation, their voices providing a much-needed distraction from the heavy silence that hangs between Ghost and me.

Finally, after what feels like an hour, Price signals Ghost and we make our way towards the gate, the helicopter appearing in our line of sight. Ghost instructs Soap to mark the target, signalling the helicopter to fire at the gates and with a loud explosion, the gates crumble before us.

The van surges forward, driving through the wreckage and coming to a stop once we're safely inside. "Stay behind me," Ghost instructs, before he opens the door and exits the van. I follow suit, rushing after him and we take cover behind concrete cylinders.

"If Graves is in the HQ, we need to find him," Ghost says into comms, determination evident in his tone.

There's chaos around us as gunfire fills the air, with both our team and Shadow Company exchanging shots. Price's helicopter joins in, raining down destruction on the soldiers and buildings below. It's a scene that takes me back to the night they infiltrated the prison, a feeling of helplessness washing over me once again. At least my hands aren't tied this time.

We navigate through narrow alleys and buildings, inching closer to headquarters. Suddenly, as we round a corner, Ghost's arm shoots out, pushing me back against the wall as he fires at the approaching Shadows. Once the threat is eliminated, he turns to me, his voice filled with frustration, "What did I tell you? Stay behind me!"

"I wouldn't need to if you'd just give me a weapon!" I retort, my frustration matching his.

"Just stay behind me," he instructs firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument.

We continue to make our way past the buildings and over courtyards, while they all converse with one another over comms. I have no idea what their saying most of the time, as I don't have an earpiece. I rely on Ghost's responses to piece together what's happening.

Eventually, we reunite with Soap on our way to Graves and the sight of the Shadows being massacred along the way is cruel.

Alejandro's base is taking heavy damage, and it's becoming increasingly clear that there will be nothing left of it when we're done.

I wish I could just skip ahead and go straight to Graves while they engage in their gunfights. I'm wearing my all black Shadow Company clothes and sigil, and when I take this mask off, they'll recognise me. They know me and won't shoot at me. However, I know that escaping Ghost's watchful eye will be nearly impossible. I won't make it very far.

Eventually, headquarters comes into view, confirming my earlier prediction. True to form, there are Shadow Company soldiers positioned in front of the building, ready to defend it. Snipers perch on the roof, their watchful eyes scanning the surroundings. Ghost quickly issues instructions to Soap, directing him to call for air support from the helicopter.

To my dismay, the soldiers guarding HQ from the front are swiftly eliminated by the helicopter and teams' firepower.

With the threat neutralized, we make our way across the courtyard, closing in on the building. Adrenaline courses through my veins as we rush up the steps, coming to a halt in front of the doors.

"Soap, check that door," Ghost instructs, his grip firm as he pulls me by the arm to position me behind him again.

Soap tugs at the door handles, "It's locked," he confirms, his gaze shifting to Rudy, "Rudy, what've you got?"

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