Chapter 56 - Prison Break

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I cautiously open the cell door, my grip on the rifle firm as I step out into the chaos. The blaring alarm in my ears drowns out any other sound. Three Shadows rush past me and I stop them, asking what's happening. Their response confirms my fears – someone's breached the walls and is launching an attack on us.

My heart pounds in my chest as I ask about Oz's whereabouts. They inform me that he's in the old prison mess hall and without wasting any time, I sprint towards the hall, my mind racing.

As I burst through the door, I find him barking orders to the Shadows surrounding him and approach him hastily, "What's going on?"

He turns to face me, his usual relaxed expression now serious, "Ghost and Soap were caught on camera scaling the prison walls with Alejandros' man. They're cutting through our Shadows like flies."

Relief floods over me, so, they really are still alive.

"Where are they now?" I ask.

"We don't know. Go back and help defend the cell block, they may try to free their comrades."

"What if I try to talk to them – try to make peace?"

"Fuck no. They've killed hundreds of our Shadows. We don't want peace."

"And they'll kill hundreds more if we don't sort this thing out."

"No. It's out of the question, Shadow, now go back to the cell block, like I told you."

I roll my eyes, why are all these men so stubborn, "Fine, where's Alejandro?"

"He's in the cell block below, I've already dispatched more Shadows there."

I nod and hasten back to the cell block. As much as I want to refuse to help and sit back, watching this whole situation unfold without lifting a finger, I can't. Many of these Shadows are my friends too. Plus, I need to stay on Graves' side for my brother's sake.

As I reach the top of the stairs, a group of Shadows catch my eye as they're gathered outside a cell. This must be where Alejandro is being held.

I can hear gunfire upstairs and my heart starts beating in my chest. What if Ghost is up there...

With even more caution, I make my way up the stairs, taking each step carefully. Peeking around the corner, my eyes widen as I see a Shadow falling, a knife embedded in his chest. I expect the killer to be Ghost but am met with a blonde ponytail instead.

"You bitch," I mutter, my rifle trained on the back of her head.

She turns around, facing me, a smirk playing on her bruised face. Our fight from a couple of days ago has left her almost unrecognizable.

"Ah look who it is..." she starts.

"How'd you get out of your cell?" I cut her off.

She snickers, her voice dripping with arrogance, "As if I'd tell you. I knew there was something off about you from the start. I warned them all, but they wouldn't listen. I knew it would come to this."

"Ah, you're so clever...have a gold star..." I retort sarcastically.

She chuckles, "Why don't you drop that gun, and we have a rematch?" she challenges, her voice taunting.

I shrug nonchalantly, "We could, but I'm afraid there won't be anything left of your face then."

"Don't need it anyway," she smirks, undeterred and moves unexpectedly, throwing a dagger into my thigh.

A cry of pain escapes my lips, and though I want to shoot her, I drop my gun instead, focusing on removing the dagger from my leg, "You're going to regret that," I warn through gritted teeth.

The Ghost and the ShadowOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz