Chapter 20 - Disappointment

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While having breakfast with Soap and Pixie, I push the food around on my plate, I'm not hungry this morning.

I haven't spoken to Ghost since our "fight," I don't even know what to call it. I've seen him at the gym and in the briefing room, but I ignore him. He does the same.

I try to stop thinking about him and focus on the mission, but it's difficult when I see him around every freaking corner. Can't he just disappear!

"Are you ladies ready for today?" Soap asks, interrupting my thoughts.

I nod. Price is giving us field training; he thinks we've gone soft.

"Do you know what we're doing yet?" I ask.

"No, but it will most likely be hot, wet, and dirty," he chuckles.

"Yay," Pixie exclaims sarcastically.

As Soap gets up to take our trays back, I look around the room, like always, Ghost isn't here. I never asked him when or where he eats. Not that it matters anyway.

"Have you spoken to Ghost?" Pixie breaks the silence.

"No and I don't want to speak to him either."

"Maybe you should just give it some time, he might come around," she tries to make me feel better.

I shrug my shoulders and get up from the table, "I don't care what he does, as long as he stays the fuck out of my way. Are you ready to go?"

She nods and we join up with Soap, making our way to the airbase.

When we arrive, Ghost and Price are already here. After exchanging greetings, Pixie and Soap make their way to the helicopter.

"Morning Grandpa," I greet Price as I walk after them, not even looking in Ghost's direction.

Gaz and König are already seated, and I greet them too, taking a seat next to Gaz.

I hope we'll do something fun today. It's scalding hot outside and I fan my shirt to cool off.

Price and Ghost eventually board too, buckling into their seats. Thankfully Price sits next to me and Ghost on the opposite side next to Soap. I don't know if it's any better though, because now we're sitting right across from one another.

I cross my arms and look to my left; I make sure to not look in his direction and hope this will be a short flight.

My neck starts hurting after a while and I look down at my hands, keeping my eyes there for the remainder of the flight. I felt eyes on me the entire time and know he was watching me, waiting for me to look at him. We land and I unbuckle, thankful to get away from under his gaze.

We've landed in the mountains, and we're surrounded by trees. I can feel the heat of the sand through my boots and the sun already burns on my skin. This is going to suck.

"All right, everyone here?" Price asks as we form a line in front of him, "Today you'll all be going up against each other, everyone is your enemy. There's a safehouse in the forest, I won't tell you where. Inside there are four recruits, you will need to free one and bring them to me."

I look around at the line, counting heads.

"I know what you're all thinking and yes, I'm aware there's six of you, this means that only some of you will be successful in this task. The losers will be punished."

"What's the punishment?" Soap asks.

"Haven't decided yet, let's see how badly you fuck up first," Price answers, "Now, make sure all your gear is ready and your set. I'll be coming to give each of you a clue that will lead you to the house. Each person gets a unique clue."

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