Chapter 18 - Aftermath

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I wake up to an empty bed and make my way to the bathroom, but Ghost is gone.

The room feels empty and cold without him and I didn't even hear him leave.

When I check my phone, I see that I have a bunch of unread messages from Pixie, asking where I am. She sent them last night, I forgot to text her. Hopefully she figured out that I left with him. I respond and inform her that I'm in my room.

After sending the message I make my way to the shower.

As the warm water runs over my body, I reach up to touch my face, did last night really happen? Was he really here? What if I just had a fever dream or something and I imagined it all.

I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around me, before hearing a knock at my door, "Who is it?" I yell from the fogged-up bathroom.

"Who do you think?" Pixie's voice comes through the door.

"Come in, it's open," I yell out of the bathroom.

The door opens and I can hear her step inside. I walk out of the bathroom to find her sitting on my bed with her arms crossed. She's mad.

"Morning," I say hesitantly. She's rarely angry, but when she is, I thread around her lightly.

She pouts her lips, "What the fuck, Y/n?"

"What?" I ask, trying to play it off.

"You scared me to death!" she yells, "What happened to you last night?"

"I'm sorry, I forgot to text you," I say softly and take a seat next to her on the bed.

"I was worried sick!"

"I'm really sorry."

She looks away shaking her head, "All right fine, I forgive you, but don't ever do that again."

"I won't I promise."

Her frown turns into a smile, she never stays mad for long, "Did you come back with Ghost?"

I nod and her smile broadens, before fading again, "Did he... uh... did he do that to Jace?"

I halt for a moment, not sure if I should admit to anything, I don't want Ghost to get in trouble. It's Pixie though, she won't tell anyone. I nod, "Yes."

Her eyes widen, "Poor man, he came stumbling into the bar with his face all bloodied. He was cursing and mumbling something about you and Ghost. We brought him back to base in his car and patched him up."

I'm relieved to hear he's okay and got back safe. I look down at my wrist and feel over the purple bruise that formed.

"Why did Ghost hit him?"

"They hit each other; it wasn't just Ghost," I come to his defense, "Jace was being an asshole and grabbed me, then Ghost saw and... they started arguing and one thing led to another."

"Yeah, Jace isn't very nice."

"How do you know?" I ask, "Do you know something I don't?"

"Yes, apparently, there have been a couple of events where he got a bit...heavy handed...with women. Soap told me this morning. He also said that he and Ghost can't stand one another."

I'm disappointed, he seemed so nice, and I wanted to give him a chance.

I contemplate if I should tell her about last night, nothing really happened. I have to tell someone though, "Ghost slept in here with me," I blurt out.

She turns to me slowly, her eyes wide and her mouth agape in shock, "What? What do you mean?"

"I mean he slept bed...with me."

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