Chapter 53 - Truth Unspoken ♥️

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Waking up, I find the bed empty next to me. The sun is shining into the room, and I realize Ghost let me sleep in.

He left two pain pills on the bedside table for me and after swallowing them, I walk to the bathroom mirror. The scratches on my face aren't too bad, but one of my eyes is a little swollen and there's a purple bruise on my cheekbone. I wonder what her face looks like this morning.

After getting dressed, I leave the room, not even caring who sees me and head for my own.

Graves let me know that we're leaving early, and Shadows will fly us to a motel near the coastline. I quickly pack a few items and head to his office to meet with him. I wanted to talk to him yesterday, but had to go eat dinner with Pixie. He's not in his office and I go searching for him around base.

As I make my way across the airbase, Oz comes jogging up to me and whistles while pointing to my bruised cheek, "Nice shiner, typical of us Shadows to not know how to behave ourselves, you beat the shit out of that poor little lady."

"Shut up, Oz, she's no poor little lady."

"Well, I don't know what she did, but we were all rooting for you. It was hot."

I scoff, "Only you would think it's hot when two women go at each other's throats."

He holds up his hands in defense, "Hey, I don't kink shame you!"

"Have you seen Graves? I've been looking everywhere for him." I change the subject.

"He's not here, he left early morning, he'll be back much later, but you can speak to me."

"I just wanna know what I'm supposed to be doing, and why Graves isn't going with us."

"He has some business to finalise, and we got a group of Shadows on their way here. He needs 1-4-1 and especially the Lieutenant to be gone. He's too vigilant and Graves is afraid he'll notice something is brewing."

"Do all the Shadows know?" I ask.

"Know is a strong word, they know we plan to take the Colonel's base and will be taking over the mission, but that's it. They don't know about the missiles."

"Okay, so what do I do?"

"Nothing much, you just go have some fun with your little friends. Have a good time, get drunk, go crazy. As long as you keep the Lieutenant occupied.

"Has Graves told you when we're taking over yet?"

He shakes his head, "Nope, we're still waiting on Shepherd to let us know."

I nod, "Okay, is that it?"

"That's it, try to behave yourself until then."

"I'll try," I say sarcastically and head for the waiting helicopter.

Pixie and Soap are already seated inside, and I go to sit across from them.

They comment on my bruised face, curiously asking about my fight with Piper, but I tell them that she just pissed me off. I'll give Pixie the details later as I can't get into it with Soap here.

"You ready to party, Shady?" Soap asks.

Broad smiles spread across both their faces, and they seem excited about this little "trip" of ours.

"We have a big mission tomorrow, Soap, are you sure you want to be hungover?"

He chuckles, "I'm hungover 99% of the time anyway, so it won't make a difference."

"That's not something to brag about, Johnny," Ghost says as he boards the helicopter too, coming to sit next to me.

"Oh, come on, L.t, I was just joking, you know that."

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