An Average Thursday As A Valen

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I had never known any serve hurt or pain, but that all ended when I was sixteen. My family thought that I was dead or missing, but I wasn't. Somedays I wish it were that simple, I wish I didn't have to wake up in complete darkness, knowing that I would never escape. I was all alone and powerless to escape. I hadn't eaten in 6 months and I had no idea how I was still alive, but there I was. I know it sucks, but I'm just the weak one, aren't I?

I was called weak as a kid, but my parents told me that was not true like all parents do. My parents were different though, they told me why and how I wasn't weak, they didn't care that I wasn't physically strong, but they made sure that I had a strong mind. My parents wanted me to be kind and able to pick myself up again, they wanted me to be strong willed.

My parents never gave me any idea that I was weak or stupid or anything else that people would call me.

I was bullied a lot as a kid, I couldn't get a break, I had no friends, and I would cry almost every night. I was an emotional wreck half the time, but I was still happy. People that I know say that I was very quiet as a kid. I suppose I was so quiet because I didn't like talking as a kid. I liked listening and watching other people and things, I was very intuitive.

Now I just sit and wish for anything to have the mercy to kill me, nothing I did worked. I can barely even remember anything that has happened. It's so weird because I'll just wake up in pain. Somedays I'd wake up sore with scratches on my upper legs or just wake up in a pool of my blood or vomit. I had no idea what was happening to me, but I hated it and that made me hate myself. It's all a mess, my mental health and my memories. You'd think something like ADHD or an eating disorder would be easy to deal with, but you'd be wrong.

I've always had ADHD, I have the inattentive type, basically ADHD if it was an introvert. So, this makes me very forgetful, self critical, and I have a small attention span. I took medication for this, but not anymore because I got kidnapped.

I sat alone, my knees hugged to my chest, my body shivered. I was all alone, no one in world could save me. I felt so hopeless, I had given up on crying, by now it was no use.

A glimmer of light erupted out of thin air and lit up the dark void with light. Golden light, so warm, like the first sunrise of spring after the cruelest winter. Angle song filled the dead void, a figure came from the light and looked down at me with a smile across his face. His skin was as dark as the night, but his eyes were golden like the sunrise, and just like a sunrise he glowed. "Willium Valen," His voice was caring, but deep, and his words formed from his tongue like a song would. His nobility was almost captivating, just his presence cast a warmth over me, over the void itself.

"Uh, um..." I stuttered. Of course, I did, I've always hated my voice. My voice never got deep as I aged and people made fun of me for this, they made fun of me for everything, my voice, my race, my body.

"Don't be scared, I am here to help you," He said.

It all seemed too good to be true, but I had no other choice. "Don't trust anybody," Was all I ever heard as a kid, my family had gone through so much. They were practically paranoid when it came to raising me, but whenever something would happen to me they'd bring up something that they'd been through. My parents never told me to never trust anyone because they hadn't gone through much. My dad lost his father, but he never brought it up, I think it was too hard for him to talk about. My family doesn't want me to trust anyone, but I want to be able to trust, I him a chance.

"How are you going to help me?" I asked.

"I am the god Apollo. You are in a mindscape. I can get you out, but you have to promise me that you will complete my 7 trials and earn my blessing," He offered.

Willium Valen and The Blessing of ApolloWhere stories live. Discover now