The Half of It

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His hands clasped tight on my shoulders as he slammed my back into the wall. He pressed a knife against the skin of my lower waist, the knife was cold against my skin.

"Ah," I winced in pain as he pressed the knife deeper.

It wasn't breaking my skin, not yet. I started crying out of pain and I begged him to stop.

"Shut up," He scoffed, placing his hand over my mouth.

He continued to cut me with the knife, tears streamed down my face. I started screaming and trying to shake out of his arms.

"Are you that weak?" He teased.

He had me wrapped in his arms so that I wouldn't shake around. I softly cried and tried to stop myself from screaming as he dug his knife into my skin. He took the knife out of my skin and took his hand off of my mouth, still holding me in his arms.

I gagged and looked at him with a terrified look in my eyes.

"Sh, sh," He whispered, his breath trailing down my neck like a thousand little spiders.

I was covered in blood with gash wounds all over my torso. My whole body was shivering out of fear, he was now holding me by my hips. He held me tightly, his nails digging into my skin.

"Stop," I muttered.

He cupped my cheek in his hand and then everything went black.

I woke up from the nightmare, I was sweating and shivering. I got out of my bed and walked to the mirror. I could feel the scars on my skin without even touching them or looking at them, I had never looked at all of my scars, I didn't even know how many scars I had. I took off my shirt, my whole chest and waist were covered in thousands of scars. Some of them were small, others were huge.

I started to cry, I felt so gross looking at myself. I put my shirt back on, got on my bed curled up into a ball, and kept on crying I wanted to, I just felt so ugly.

I have always been insecure because of bullying and my low self-confidence.

I wiped away the tears that were in my eyes. I put myself together and walked downstairs, down the hallway, and to the library.

"Are you okay?" Geo asked me. I sat down on the couch.

"Yeah, it's just allergies," I lied, I didn't want Geo to know that I had been crying. I don't know why, I guess I just didn't want anyone to see me like this.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

Geo seemed sweet when he was concerned, but I doubt anyone would understand what I was feeling. Geo didn't seem like the person to get insecure over stupid things like me.

My family says that they understand what I'm going through, but even if they do, it doesn't make me feel any better.

"Yes, I am sure. My eyes just get watery in the morning sometimes," I sighed. I looked out the windows, the mist fogged them up as it always would in May.

Geo sat down next to me.

"Is it always this cold here?" He scoffed.

"What are you talking about? This is spring?" I chuckled.

"And you're in a sweater," Geo pointed out.

"You'll get used to it," I said. Willow went from plant to human, sat down on the couch, and yawned. "You'll get used to that too,"

Rin and Jade came downstairs, Jade had a notebook in her hands and a pair of reading glasses on.

"It's not Hades, it can't be," Jade sat down on one of the couches in the pit of the library.

Willium Valen and The Blessing of ApolloKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat