True Blue

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In the morning Geo and I went back to our covers, we had to make an excuse as to why I was covered in Geo's lipstick.

It was now the early evening and I needed to get information. I walked up to an older man, he was wearing one of those yellow sweater vests that all the yellow jackets wore. This seemed like a stupid idea walking up to an assassin to find out information that they kill people to keep, but I had a plan or an idea of one.

"How'd someone like you end up here?" I asked, leaning against the wall next to him.

Geo gave me a conceded look and kept his eye on me.

"My brother owns the building, I always have to come to his parties," He scoffed.

"You're with the Yellow Jackets, aren't you?" I asked, he looked surprised. "I love your cause and my family is thinking of donating, word says you're the man on top," I said.

"I am, what's your name?" He asked.

"First name doesn't matter, last name does, Valen," I told.

"Valen..." The way he looked at me made me know that I probably just messed up. I was right, he pressed a gun against my gut and grabbed my waist. "You scream and I kill you," He whispered, pulling me into the room.

Just before he locked the door I kicked it open. The gun went off, but I was already out of his grasp so I didn't get shot. I didn't know what to do, I was frozen in the moment.

Geo came running into the room. He kicked the gun out of the guy's hand and knocked him out.

I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank-"

"What the hell were you thinking?!" Geo scoffed, slapping me across the face.

I was so shocked, did Geo actually just hit me?

"What was that for?!" I exclaimed.

"That was for you being stupid," Geo yelled.

"I thought that-"

"That what?! That you could trust him? You can't trust anyone! I bet your stupid family didn't tell you that," Geo scoffed.

I could feel the tears forming in my eyes, I didn't want to cry in front of Geo, but I couldn't stop myself.

"That's all they told me!" I exclaimed.

I was so mad at him, why would he do that? I was just trying to get information, I can't read minds. How was I supposed to know that he would betray me?

"Then you should've fucking listened! You really are the weak one," After Geo had noticed that he made me cry, his expression changed from mad to ashamed and he quickly started apologizing. "Willium, I'm so sorry-"

"No, you're right. I am the weak one," I muttered in tears. I started walking through the crowds to the room. Geo followed behind me trying to apologize, but I wasn't in the mood for it.

I closed the room's door, got into my bed, and tried not to cry. I failed, I ended up sobbing for 6 minutes or something pathetic like that. After a while Geo came into the room. I didn't look at him, my face was shoved into the pillow from crying.

Geo sat at the foot of my bed, he didn't say anything for a while, but then he started talking. "Somedays I wish I could be like you," He said to me in a soft tone.

"What?" I muttered, sitting up beside him.

"I know that I can never trust anyone. I'm bad at second chances and I have the world's worst temper. I just want you to know that I didn't mean anything I said. I don't think you're the weak one, you're strong in the sense that you can accept the things you feel. So, I'm sorry, Willium," Geo sighed.

"I know that you don't mean it, but it still hurts. I trust people because I want to believe that life isn't as shitty as my family made it out to be, but I guess I'm lying to myself at this point. People learn who to trust and who not to trust from experience, but it's all so confusing for me. I've had self doubt my whole life and this kinda stuff just makes it worse," I said.

"I shouldn't have attacked you like that," Geo muttered.

"Yeah," I softly scoffed.

"It was very shitty of me," Geo sighed.

"Yes, just don't do it again. Good night," I turned over in my bed and tried to fall asleep.

"Good night," Geo said as he got up and went to sleep.

That whole night, I tried my best not to cry. I didn't want Geo to think that I was still upset.

We'd fight a lot over stupid stuff, I just never thought he'd make me cry. This was a real fight, one that wouldn't have happened if I had not been so naive.

Maybe it would've all been better if Apollo never saved me because I'm not strong enough for any of this. What was so special that he saw in me? Was there some bright light, I don't think it's shining anymore. I wouldn't choose me, so why did Apollo? I'm the weak one, who cares if I can accept my emotions? I never grow up, it's getting so old. I only have enemies because they all started out as friends. I couldn't do this, it was too much, I'm not strong enough to be a demigod. Everyone else was born into this, but of course I'm the odd one out, I've always been the odd one out.

I woke up and stretched out my back. It was pitch black in the room, 6 am or something. The sun rose late around here, but we still had to get out before anyone woke up.

"Willium. Are you awake?" Geo quietly asked.

"Yep," I yawned.

"Are you ready to go?" Geo asked. I got up out of bed and put my shoes on.

"Now I am," I said. Geo nodded.

We walked out of the hotel room and out of the hotel. We didn't talk until we got to the bus stop.

"So," I sighed.

"The bus will get here soon," Geo said.

I could tell that he was still wondering about what happened last night. I guess I hadn't officially forgiven Geo.

"I'm fine really," I reassured him.

"Okay, it's not like I was wondering or something," Geo muttered.

"Well, I forgive you. It's okay to get mad-"

"I wasn't mad I was scared," Geo said.

"What?" I asked.

"Never mind," Geo muttered.

The bus arrived, Geo and I got on, Geo sat down by the window and sat down next to him.

We sat silently for a while.

"Who's Phoebe?" I asked.

"Um, she..." Geo sighed. "She was my little sister. When she was 6, we were by the river and she fell in. I tried to save her, but I couldn't. I was only 10 and she died that day. The last thing I remember was her hand clawing at the air as she went down the waterfall. I guess part of me never let her go, part of me is still there, waiting for her to come back," Geo said.

"I'm so sorry, I never would've asked if I had known," I muttered.

"It's fine," Geo sighed.

We didn't talk for the rest of the bus ride.

It was nice watching the sunrise on the bus. Geo had fallen asleep on the bus, I noticed that Geo would always fall asleep on long bus and car rides.

After a while the bus stopped.

"Geo, this is our stop," I said, tapping him on the shoulder.

"Okay," Geo got up.

We got off the bus and walked back to camp. 

Willium Valen and The Blessing of ApolloTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang