When You Know, You Know

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It had been a week since I came back from the mindscape. Today I was going to Vandalia to get information at a party. I hate parties, they're so boring and the drama is also boring. Like I don't care what Bethany did last night, no one cares about me, so I don't care about them.

Rin was driving us to the party, Jade, Willow, and I were in the car. Jade was sitting in the front seat, giving Rin directions and complaining about how bad of a driver that Rin was. Willow and I sat in the backseats of the car. Willow was staring out the window and I was trying my best to not get car sick because of my ED. It was a long drive to Vandalia, but it was nice to look outside the car windows at the passing scenery

"Get in your lane!" Rin pounded on the car horn. "Oh, my Gods of Olympus! Some people don't deserve to drive," Rin scoffed, her voice firm but tired. Jade rolled her eyes at Rin and then returned to the map.

"Has Rin always been this 'good' at driving?" I asked, from the backseat as I held on for dear life.

Willow was still peacefully looking out at the passing scenery from the car window like nothing was happening. Jade looked up at Rin from her map.

"Is your plan to get the other drivers mad? What are you doing Rin?" Jade asked.

"I-I'm driving," Rin stammered. Jade rolled her eyes at Rin, then Rin smiled at Jade. "I love you," Rin said to Jade. Jade looked at Rin from the corner of her eye, Jade chuckled under her breath.

"I love you too, but it would be better if we get to Vandalia alive, okay sweetheart?" Jade asked.

"Fine," Rin muttered.

I looked out at the passing scenery, the cherry blossom trees faded into pink blotches, and the vibrant green trees also faded into blotches of their own. The crows flew in the sky, and some of the other birds followed after them. You could hear the sounds of the nearby river, the water shoving its way through the rocks. It was so peaceful when you weren't thinking about Rin's high chance of crashing the car. Rin has never crashed a car before, but that doesn't man she's a courteous driver.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I thought of the road ahead, it was going to be hard to earn this blessing. I was scared, the uncertainty of the whole situation was scary. I wished I could get a detailed list of what I needed to do to get the blessing, but I guess I'll just mess around and find out.

After a long drive we got there. Rin parked the car outside of the huge mansion.

"Come on, kids," Rin said, opening the door. Willow and I got out of the car.

It was around the beginning of the evening, but it was still bright outside. The place had dark brown brick walls and big wood beaming with yellowish stained glass windows.

It looked like a Victorian estate mixed with a cottage from Pairs. Ivy and other greenery were at the entrance, along with some potted succulents that needed bigger pots. We all walked into the mansion, the first thing we saw was a big banner that said, Happy birthday to the worlds strongest demigod.

"I didn't know that it was my birthday," Rin chuckled,jokingly as she walked into the main room.

"Ha Ha, very funny Rin," Jade said, clearly unamused.

"Okay kids, look around, ask around, find information, and no drinking," Rin instructed.

"Rin!" Jade exclaimed, slapping Rin's arm. Rin grasped her arm with a painful look on her face.

"Ow," Rin groaned. "I was joking,"

I started to look around, most of these people looked very rich and fancy. I saw two people leaning against the wall, they had their arms crossed and both of them had red hair. They looked like private school kids with their matching yellow sweater vests.

Willium Valen and The Blessing of ApolloWhere stories live. Discover now