Stupid Little Butterflies

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It had been a week since Geo had gotten his ankle cut and he has made a full recovery. More campers have been coming as summer approaches, but there's talk of a mission going around and I had a feeling that it was going to be Geo and I again.

I heard a knock on my door. "Muddles needs you in the office," Evert said.

I got off my bed and walked down to the camp's office. I opened the door and Geo was sitting there in front of the desk.

"Is this about the river?" I asked. Muddles motioned for me to sit down.

"So, you two have probably heard of the mission. You two are going on it together," Muddles said.

"No!" Geo scoffed.

"With all due respect, I don't wanna die," I said.

"This is final, plus you two could use it as bonding time," Muddles sighed. "Bye,"

Geo and I got up and walked out of the office.

"What are the odds?" Geo scoffed.

"Can you at least try to tolerate me?" I asked. Geo rolled his eyes and sighed.

"I'll meet you at the gates in an hour, pack," Geo said as he walked off to his cabin.

"I'll take that as a yes," I muttered to myself. I walked to my cabin and started packing.

"Did you get kicked out already?" Zaira chuckled.

"Nope, even worse, I have to go on that two day mission with Geo," I scoffed.

"It can't be that bad," Zaira leaned in the door way.

I turned to face her with my bag thrown over my shoulder. "He hates me,"

"You hate him, at least you two agree on something," She scoffed.

I nodded and walked out of the cabin to the gates. After a while Geo came with his bag.

"So?" I asked.

"So?" He scoffed.

"I thought you wouldn't come, just considering-"

"Considering what?" Geo asked.

"Nothing," I muttered.

"Whatever, let's go," Geo scoffed.

Geo and I walked to the bus stop that was a couple minutes away from camp.

We hadn't talked since what happened at the river, that was a week ago. It wasn't like we were ignoring each other, we just hadn't got around to talking to each other. It was kind of weird, not talking to Geo, it feels like the only reason we hate each other is so we can talk.

We sat at the bus stop for a while and then the bus came. I payed for Geo, but I think he didn't notice. Geo sat by the window and I sat next to him. He looked outside at the trees passing by and the rain that was just starting to fall.

It was going to be a 6 hour ride, but it was nice. I liked bus rides, they were so calm. Geo had fallen asleep, with his arms crossed, and with his head resting on the window. I sighed and looked at my shoes.

After 6 hours of riding on the bus we got to our stop. I tapped Geo on the shoulder to wake him up.

"Hey, this is our stop," I said.

Geo got out of his seat, stretched, and yawned. Geo and I got off of the bus and walked to this hotel. The hotel was huge, it was used for big parties and other events that needed a lot of space. The point of the mission was to go to this two day party, that started tonight, and get information about the yellow jackets.

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