I Hate You With A Passion

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In my cabin, I had my own room, it was small, but big enough to walk around in. It wasn't hard for me to fall asleep, I thought it would be, but it wasn't probably because I was so tired.

It was easy for me to fall asleep, but I fell asleep over the covers because of the heat. It wasn't even that hot, but I just wasn't used to this type of weather.

I woke up earlier than I usually did, got dressed, and walked out of my room.

"You're wearing a sweater?" Zaira asked me.

"Yeah..." I muttered.

"Here," Zaira threw me a purple camp T-Shirt. "Wear that,"

I walked back into my room, changed into the T-Shirt, and walked back out.

"Good, it gets hot here in Vandalia," Zaira scoffed.

"Is it ever warm in Lexan?" August, who was another one of my half-siblings, asked.

"Yes, but probably like winter for Vandalia. The warm weather is nice, I'm just not used to it," I explained.

Sam came out of his room. Sam was Zaira's little brother, he was 6 years old, and one of the nicest kids I've ever met.

There were a total of 5 of us in the Apollon cabin. There used to be 6 people before me, but that was before the twins had disappeared. Adam and Emrie had gone on a mission when they were 6 years old and never came back.

"I'm hungry," Sam had a smile on his face and started jumping around.

We all walked to the cafeteria. The cafeteria had circular tables for each cabin, we all sat down at the Apollon table. I looked at Willow from across the room, she was sitting at the Déméter table. She seemed displaced and I wanted to sit down with her, but I couldn't.

Rin and Jade had gone back to Evermont in order to finish up some paper work in order to adopt a kid named Michael.

"Today they announce the trios," Evert said, sitting down at the table.

"What trios?" I asked.

"Every spring we have pre-cabin wars, trios make crafts and do activities and whichever trio wins gets to make the teams for cabin wars," Evert explained.

"What's cabin wars?" I asked.

"It's like LARPing but with magic," Zaira scoffed.

"Good morning everyone..." The person started to announce the trios.

Of course I got paired up with Geo, but I was also with Willow.

After breakfast Willow, Geo, and I walked over to the archery grounds.

It was quiet in the mornings, the smell of wet pine filled the air, and the dirt on the ground was wet from the morning fog.

Do you know how to do archery? Willow signed. I picked up a bow and arrow.

"No, but it can't be that hard," I mused, pointing the arrow to the target.

"Stop it, before you kill yourself," Geo scoffed.

"Do you know what you're doing?" I asked, handing Geo the bow and arrow. Geo shot the arrow and hit the target.

"I might," Geo chuckled.

I wanted to punch him in the face so bad, but I didn't. He was so smug and stupid about it, he made me so mad. Willow picked up a bow and arrow and hit the middle of the target.

"Damn," Geo muttered.

"What's the next thing?" Willow asked, setting the bow down. Willow was wearing a long sleeve purple camp shirt and green cargo pants, and her hair was up in a bun.

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